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Trump Lashes Out and Lies About Firing Dr. Birx — Then Mocks Her Clothes: ‘Few Dresses, Many Scarves, No Class!’

It is not surprising that well over 90% of Americans do not care how many “dresses, or scarves, or class” their doctor, woman or man, has, only that he or she be very good. Millions of lives have been saved by the brilliant jackass with no class. Another thing we can all agree on. Whether we were happy with Dr. Deborah Birx’s work or not, she comes from a generation where women had to fight for elite spots in American medicine, and thus it is somewhat self-evident that she’s a brilliant physician and scientist whether she could maneuver politically or not.

She is most certainly entitled to share her opinions as to how Trump handled the COVID epidemic. Her book, which was highly critical of Trump, will help history understand what happened. Of course, Donald always rises up to show his true inner baby whenever criticized and did so with all the misogyny one would expect from him. Oh, and he lied. From Mediaite: [1]

Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Dr. Deborah Birx on his Truth Social account Monday morning, falsely suggesting he fired the former White House coronavirus task force coordinator. Birx recently published a book on the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, including on the time he suggested the consumption of disinfectant as a way to treat the virus.

I’m no fan of Dr. Birx, but she was extremely professional and seemed to have great style. Not like that matters. Photograph: Rex/Shutterstock

Trump also turned surprisingly personal at the end of his missive, stating Birx “had few dresses, many scarves, and no ‘class,” before adding “I said, You’re Fired!!” Viewers of the competitive reality shows, The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice, will recognize that final phrase as Trump’s tagline. He did not, however, fire Dr. Birx. She served in her role until the end of the Trump administration.

This is, of course, the man who thinks that whatever you dump on the counter to fight germs or viruses might be an effective treatment, kind of like eating a bar of soap to clean himself.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak