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Gaetz Wanted Pardon From ‘Beginning of Time, Covering All Things’, More Broad Than Nixon’s — Twitter Explodes in Applause for Herschmann

Congratulations to Matt Gaetz. He knew he was in big trouble (still is) and sought the biggest “Get Out of Jail” free card ever in United States history.

If there is a hero in today’s testimony it was former White House Counsel Eric Herschmann. Herschmann is the one who told Trump’s lackey, the dumbest person in the Department of Justice, somehow the head of the Environmental Division, Jeffery Clark, “Congratulations, you f**** ass****,  your first act as Attorney General would be to commit a felony in violation of rule 6(c) (Of the Department of Justice rules).

Twitter is celebrating the man who was able to capsulize the testimony from the people who were there (Rosen, Donoghue) and both corroborate their testimony as well as translate it into great Brooklynese. He nailed Matt Gaetz to the wall for seeking a pardon so wide it would cover every crime Gaetz could have committed from “the beginning of time until today” (the day it would be signed, which probably wouldn’t have been long enough for Gaetz):

Yep. Gaetz hadn’t been charged in either the plot to steal the presidency or his issue with the Mann Act (transporting minors across state lines for illicit purposes) but likely knew that pardon would come in handy.

Nicely done.

We noted that Herschmann could translate anything and everything to Brooklynese? He did an awfully good job here:

Herschmann also described exactly why all these congresspeople wanted pardons, even though Matt Kinzinger summed it up beautifully at the end of the hearing; “I’ve never heard a person ask for a pardon unless they committed a crime.”