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Justin Trudeau Sends His Heart Out to American Women Over the Overturning of Roe: ‘Horrific,’ ‘Fear,’ ‘Anger’

For a long time, Justin Trudeau just made women’s hearts flutter. Today, he showed that he is thinking of women in a deeper, more caring manner. Trudeau backed up Biden and American women with an announcement from Canada proving he has a big heart, too.

It would be a good idea for women in the Dakotas, Montana, perhaps Nebraska, and other northern states to get more familiar with the most direct route to Canada. Hell, if Mike Pence gets his way and the Republicans win the House and the Senate (You know McConnell will throw out the filibuster in five minutes), every woman in the northern U.S. best have a passport and a plan to get to Canada for themselves or their daughters-granddaughters.

Canada plans on respecting women and understands the anger and fear American women must feel. Justin Trudeau proved once again that the guy who perhaps started as the young, good-looking upstart is now an international statesman of the first order as he sent his heart out to American women today and implicitly, an invitation to Canada, where their rights will be preserved:

Unlike our recent leader, there is nothing about himself in it, no puffing up his own country or anything that will help him politically. No, he issued nothing more than a message that this time he is thinking of women and sympathizes with the anger and fear that women are feeling right now.

This is the first time that the American Supreme Court granted a Constitutional right, only to take it away after it became part of the national landscape. It is likely that Canadians cannot relate to such a procedure.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman