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Mike Flynn Protects His Pension: Pleads Fifth Over Whether He Believes in Peaceful Transition of Power

One of the most overlooked pieces of very odd evidence the Committee presented today was video of Mike Flynn being questioned by the Committee. Liz Cheney was asking questions and she was covering what happened on January 6th and asked almost as an aside, if Mike Flynn believed that the violence at the Capitol was justified.

Flynn’s attorney did an excellent job. Upon hearing the question, Flynn’s attorney asked for a moment to speak to Flynn and the scream went blank. As it comes back on 1:36 seconds later, Flynn’s lawyer asks an extremely important and good question, demonstrative of good legal counsel. Flynn’s lawyer asked if Cheney’s question was a moral or a legal question. Was January 6th morally justified or legally justified?

Cheney refuses to be cornered and says, “Both.”

So Cheney asks again whether the violence on January 6th was justified and Flynn pleads the 5th. She then said that as a moral matter (Clearly taking it outside of the legal context and whether it was against the law), was it justified. Flynn again took the 5th, which is probably the safest thing to do but a bit odd.

Then Cheney asked a question that should NOT have been hard but a question that Flynn could lose his military pension over. Cheney asked Flynn if he believed in the peaceful transition of power in America. Flynn took the Fifth. That is simply jaw-dropping. How could he not have answered “Yes” to that question, or even “No”? Because it’s not a crime to disagree with the Constitution unless…

Unless one has sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and one lives very comfortably on a three-star general’s retirement plan, a pension and benefits that could be revoked through a court martial if Flynn had said “No,” he did not believe in peaceful transitions of power, he doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

Flynn is Putin’s boy… it is possible… the Q’s are fascists… the Fascist MAGA (“Dark MAGA”) do believe they’ll “take” power again… Flynn could have said No, he doesn’t believe in the peaceful transition of power and couldn’t have been criminally prosecuted, at least not as a civilian. But he wasn’t answering as a civilian.

A tweet and then the video:


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman