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Trump Supporter Pushes Wild Conspiracy That the Ivanka Who Appeared at the Hearings Was a ‘Clone’

When people are indoctrinated into a cult, the hope is to deprogram them. It is possible. In fact, some of the best resources are people who once belonged to a cult. Look at Tony Ortega [1], the former Scientologist. He has really helped many people leave the cult that is Scientology. And it isn’t an easy feat.

When you are dealing with someone in a cult, you want them to understand that they were fed lies and try to make them understand that someone has been taking advantage of them. But what happens when someone is so deep that they can’t listen to reason? Can people who have been lied to so exclusively ever believe the truth? In the case of Mississippi Trump supporters, sadly the answer is no.

Jordan Klepper is a gift, a national treasure. And his schtick is traveling to Trump rallies and events and talking to regular ol’ Trump supporters. This time he went to Mississippi, so you knew it was going to be good. In what may be Klepper’s most fascinating segment yet, he decided to tackle the January 6th hearings, because when confronted with that truth, how could these Trump supporters still believe Trump was innocent, right? Klepper played excerpts from the January 6th Hearings for Trump supporters. He showed these supporters videos of the same people they claim to stand behind saying that Trump was lying about the election being stolen.

And guess what? They did not take it very well.

We’ve seen plenty of Trump supporters twist themselves into knots to defend Trump before. That’s not necessarily new. Look at the people who defended Trump after the Access Hollywood tape was released. Or after it was reported that Trump called our war dead “suckers and losers”. They will defend anything the man does. But look at these Trump supporters. Look at their faces when they are confronted with the truth that feels new. They seem trapped. A fight or flight instinct kicks in and instead of doing either, these people basically crap their pants. You can almost see the gears just spinning at lightning speed as they try to find ANY excuse, ANY way to justify their God Emporer.

It’s easy to understand from the outside. These people are seeing their world crumble around them. They don’t understand what is happening. MAGA land is perfect! Full of patriots and Trump and red made-in-China hats. It’s a world that is carefully crafted by Trump and his followers. Two women whom Klepper talk to did not even know about January 6th. How is that even possible? Even if you think it was a ploy by Antifa and BLM, everyone knows something happened at the Capitol on January 6th, right?

Alas, some people just don’t want to be deprogrammed. They want to stay in their Trump bubble. They live their lives, happily being fed lies. It’s safe there. They’d sooner believe Ivanka Trump was cloned. Which is actually what one Trump supporter believes. Cloned. Like Dolly the sheep. Only Dolly probably had a better personality.

I don’t even know what to say. Just, we’re screwed.