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Trumper AZ Gov. Candidate Kari Lake’s Press Release Just Emphasized Why She’ll Likely Lose

It is not really a day to talk politics. It is a day to contemplate the fate of poor women who cannot afford the plane ticket or the 14-hour drive to a state where abortion services are legal. (Imagine living in Austin Texas, the drive to Colorado is not short and gas is not cheap if one can get a car.) And it’s a day to consider that all women, rich and poor, have just been rendered second-class citizens.

Speaking of cars, it might well be that the GOP just became the dog that caught the car and they might want to reconfigure their plans on winning the House in a red wave or obtaining control of the Senate. It is likely that very few of the men who led this movement (and men were the ones leading this decision) understand how their wives – outwardly very pro-life and supportive of the GOP – feel inwardly about the entire issue. This could easily be a situation where the MAGA couple goes down to vote, agreeing wholeheartedly on voting red. The woman enters the booth and pulls the tab down for the Democrat. Then lies to her husband.

Oblivious to all of this is Kari Lake who is very excited. She is not even yet the Republican nominee for governor of Arizona and yet she’s already plotting how she’s going to treat other women in her state. From an email sent to Lake’s supporters.

Phoenix, Arizona – The leading candidate for governor in Arizona’s Republican Primary, Kari Lake is giving praise to the Supreme Court’s ruling today, overturning Roe vs. Wade.

“Today is a historic day for life, and humanity, throughout this country. Laws on the right to life will now be decided at the state level and as the next governor of Arizona, I will sign bills to protect life when they land on my desk,” said Lake.

“I want to give a special thank you to President Trump who appointed three Supreme Court Justices, all of whom bravely voted to strike down Roe vs. Wade today and give the Pro-life movement, the unborn, and all of our great country the gift of protecting life that so many have worked so long to achieve.

Thank you, for the reminder that it was Trump who appointed the three new justices who ensured that this day came, all three of whom lied under oath.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman