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MAGA Pastor Says Cassidy Hutchinson is a ‘Lying Witch’ and a ‘Rebellious Jezebel With a Lezzie Spirit’

It’s difficult for me to get through an article about Donald Trump without mentioning at least one of his nutball supporters. This time it’s  Mississippi preacher Shane Vaughn’s turn on the dance floor.


Well, as The Independent [1] notes, this cuckoo for cocoa puffs waste of MAGA spittle launched a bonkers attack on Cassidy Hutchinson, a former staffer inside the Trump administration. Hutchinson, an ex-aide to former chief of staff Mark Meadows, offered riveting testimony in front of the House Select committee investigating the attack on Congress on January 6, 2021.

Vaughn called Hutchinson “a little witch” and a few other colorful things in a video posted to FirstHarvest.tv, [2] and that video has been flying around Twitter [3] like an unwelcome mosquito that needs a good swatting.

“Standing there lying on the President of the United States of America, the only legitimate one, and you’re sitting there lying through your teeth because you are a witch,” he says all shouty. “You are a rebellious Jezebel with your little lezzie spirit.”

Apparently not finished with his compliments, he continued:

“You look like you’re a walking zombie. You lie. You lie. You lie. You lie,” he yelled. “We know you lied. You know you lied. You’re a liar.”

We get it. Vaughn doesn’t like Hutchinson. Her testimony does not make his favorite henchman, Trump, look particularly good. She did, after all, tell the panel that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the presidential vehicle after his speech at the Ellipse on Jan. 6 after he found out the vehicle was heading back to the White House instead of the Capitol building. Trump had wanted to join his minions, er supporters as they tried to destroy democracy.

Hutchinson also testified that Trump allegedly grabbed the arm of a Secret Service agent in order to get his way. And she also said he allegedly knew his supporters were armed and he wanted to allow them access to the area where he was speaking because after all, they weren’t after him.

I mean, who cares if a few Capitol Police officers and other innocent people get in the way as long as Trump gets what he wants? Seems like Vaughn and Trump are well-suited for each other. They clearly live in a different orbit than the rest of us, and it doesn’t seem to be a place that offers basic decency, kindness, understanding, or truth.

Here’s the mouthpiece at work in the video below.