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Single Best Anti-Trump Tweet Goes Viral and it Sums Up Trump and His Supporters PERFECTLY

First, it’s probably best to start with the typical pro-Trump, cultish tweet that makes exactly no sense but is emblematic of all things MAGA cult:

Ever notice that he’s always painted as very svelt? There could be some sort of cover-up for what they know is a degrading aging man. And, of course, most of us tend to put on pounds as we get less active in aging, so that in and of itself isn’t that a big deal. It is a big deal that he’s put on a big number of pounds, probably sixty over 239 while promising to run for president. Sort of. It is just as likely a gimmick to say they are prosecuting him because they know he’ll win.

Why is he riding a grizzly? Because a horse is a beautiful, gentle giant that can sense one’s personality near instantly, like dogs, and thus Trump probably hates them. A grizzly? Well, you never know, and that’s the problem. The one above doesn’t seem all that happy about it.

Moving on.

Since #TrumpWasRightAboutEverything was trending this morning – yes, it was – it spurned many progressives to note that Trump was wrong about virtually everything. From Mexico paying for an invisible wall to “it’ll go away like a miracle, to Putin, MBS, and Kim being great guys that you wanna befriend, whining instead about a really good guy from a really good country that looks down on us in wonder, Justin Trudeau. Pushing aside other world leaders to get up front? Wrong.

So, it’s great seeing a tweet that actually sums Trump up damn near perfectly. No Trump riding grizzly here, just the facts, set out straight.

There you go. That is as good a rebuttal as Twitter has to offer.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman