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Three White Women Tell Black CNN Host That Teachers Should NOT Be Allowed to Say Slavery Was Bad

After Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election I thought we’d dealt with the worst of the racists in this country. I thought, at least, if nothing, the White supremacists in this country would go back into hiding. Sadly, I’m reminded almost daily that this just isn’t going to happen. I guess even writers can be naive.

And Kamau W. Bell recently had the unfortunate experience of dealing with a group of several racist women and the experience was thoroughly unpleasant for him.

Mediaite describes this instance as “jaw-dropping,” and I’m inclined to believe this is definitely true.

Bell discussed the incident in an interview with CNN anchor Erica Hill, on an episode of CNN Newsroom. Hill introduced the segment by airing the clips first, before interviewing Bell, and I have to say the clips are almost unbelievable. Except this is America, after all, meaning they are actually quite believable.

To start with, Bell asked the three women:

“Right now, there’s arguments about, should we teach kids a more accurate history of America?”

Woman interviewee #1 remarked: “Race theory?”

Bell: “What would you say? Here we go! Race theory. Critical race theory. What are your thoughts on that?”

Woman interviewee #2: “You could teach it without having an opinion— ”

That led Bell to ask: “But, is it okay if a teacher says, I think slavery was bad? Is that okay?”

Both of the interviewees said “No!”

Bell laughed uproariously at this point, knowing all too well that these women are being ridiculous. “No?” he asked the women while still laughing. That led the third woman to jump in with “No! I mean—” But Bell, still laughing cut her off by asking another question.

“And what about if somebody says Nazis no good?”

Incredibly, the first interviewee jumped in, saying “Nothing’s bad.”

Then we see Bell asking another woman if teachers should teach the “entire history. America, Slavery, genocide, Native Americans—”

“Not the whole thing,” the woman responded.

Whatever racism people were hiding before Trump turned full-blown when he became president. While president, he described [1] Africa as a “sh*thole place,” and he called Mexican immigrants “criminals and rapists,” Vox [2] reports. He also tried to ban all Muslims from traveling to the U.S. According to The Guardian, [3] hate groups proliferated during his presidency.

With all the things he’s done, his ignorant supporters now seem to think they have been given the okay to be racist. And now, more than a year into Biden’s presidency, quite obviously these people haven’t gone away. I’m guessing Bell has seen plenty of racism. He already knows racism is something that won’t go away but he can have a good laugh over the ignorance of these women.

After the clips were aired, Hill asked Bell, “What’s your biggest takeaway from it? Because your conversations in this, and all of them, are remarkable.”

Bell responded that “a lot of times, we sit online and we see people say things like that and you go, ‘well that’s not a real person. That’s a bot, nobody really thinks like that.”

“Well, I went to Arizona, or as I call it, ‘Desert Florida,’ and people actually think that way,” he told Hill.

For her part, Hill slammed “misinformation” that claims critical race theory [4] is “being pushed in their schools, which we know isn’t happening,” and Bell lambasted Republicans in his response.

“The GOP in this country is doing a great job of confusing what’s important in this country,” he said. “And I think that a lot of the leadership has gone out of its way to conflate, to use buzzwords and scary things like ‘woke’ and CRT, when really what they don’t want to do is what that woman said, is teach an accurate rendition of history to our kids.”

Indeed, the GOP doesn’t want to cover issues like this. They want to keep our children ignorant. It’s easier to rule over people who won’t ask any questions because the truth has been hidden. That’s what these people want. And it’s really, really sad. I have a difficult time understanding how anyone can teach U.S. history without telling the story of slavery in the U.S., or the story of the whole-scale destruction of indigenous people who lived here for thousands of years.

The U.S. has a history that’s wrought from the pain of others, and our children deserve the right to learn about this.