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Trump is RAGING Like a Crazy Man on Truth Social and Demands Committee Be ‘Immediately Terminated’

We have already published one Trump tweetstorm in which he said that the Committee hasn’t allowed anyone from “his side” to testify. Ummm, who is “his side”? Bannon, Navarro, Meadows… they were all subpoenaed and refused due to Trump claiming executive privilege. Trump’s own White House Counsel testified Friday, wouldn’t that be considered “Trump’s side”? Cipollone was standing right there? Ivanka testified, Jared testified, is it the Committee’s fault that Ivanka said Trump lost the election?


Tuesday promises to be big. Tuesday will be about who ordered what to happen on January 6th and the attack on the Capitol, the one that we know Trump tried to lead himself. Somewhat appropriately, Trump had his second panic attack of the day with the second tweet storm (“truth” storm, and yes, his panic is real) ranting and raging at everyone, including Nancy Pelosi, blaming her for not defending the Capitol well enough from his attack, blaming anyone who says anything!

Incredibly, Congresswoman Lofgren of the Unselect Committee said they didn’t call witnesses to corroborate the testimony of other Fake Witnesses, like Cassidy Hutchinson, who I barely knew or even recognize, and who lied during her testimony. Things and statements could be easily proven, but they don’t want proof, because there is none, so they didn’t ask Witnesses for corroboration.

The Committee called White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, who Trump knows, and he corroborated her testimony according to the committee.

Why is it that the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks refuses to investigate the fact that Crazy Nancy Pelosi rejected my strong recommendation, through the Secretary of Defense and others, of 10,000+ troops for Capitol Protection, three days before January 6th? The Chairman, together with Pscycho Liz Cheney and Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, said it is “off limits, we will not investigate it,” knowing full well that it is the essence of the ever continuing Witch Hunt—there is no January 6th…

Only the president can order out the National Guard and there is a reason the National Guard wasn’t there and wasn’t called for 187 minutes. This is utter bullshit.

…if she takes my recommendation and properly does her job! As everybody now knows, it is Nancy Pelosi and the Mayor of D.C. who are responsible for Security of the Capitol, not the President. Why is she not being accused? Did she want this to happen? By her lack of action, did she incite the doings of January 6th? Was she, in fact, hoping for a Real Insurrection (one where they actually brought guns) thinking it would be a wonderful thing…

The president is the ultimate authority in protecting the country and it was Trump and his forces that attacked the Capitol. It is Pelosi’s fault that she didn’t anticipate Trump’s attack? No, it is that Trump never made the recommendation. The Committee will cover this Tuesday in our opinion.

…for her and her sick political ambitions? The Unselect Committee should be immediately terminated unless and until they are able to answer this overriding question—why did Crazy Nancy not act? Was she too busy policing her husband—who he was with, where, and when? The Committee must get to the bottom of this question, and must get there soon!

And Trump already put the 2022 and 2024 elections in doubt, saying Democrats will steal them. Unbelievable. The man is a clear and present danger to democracy, as stated by Judge Luttig.

The Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs is yet another Radical Left Democrat Scam used to Criminalize Politics and try, against all hope, to change what will be totally disastrous results in the 2022 and 2024 Elections. They should not be allowed to get away with it any longer! Are you listening Republicans, are you listening America?

He is a terrorist in the midst of a panic attack. He knows what is coming on Tuesday. It must be bad.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman