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QAnon Pastor Who Said Trump Was Secretly Inaugurated Dies Unexpectedly

“The cause of death wasn’t made public.”

We don’t celebrate or take any joy in people’s deaths – perhaps one exception could be made, monstrous people don’t count, and this guy wasn’t good, but he doesn’t measure up to Trump. So this story is no way to mock the man or his family even though he made a mockery of this country and undoubtedly got other people killed with his Q-anon beliefs.

A self-proclaimed prophet didn’t foresee his death. Of course, it would be tough. He was young, only sixty, tragic. The cause of death was not made public. It makes one question whether it is because he died of a disease he didn’t believe existed. This was a guy who believed Trump was secretly sworn back in as president.

From the Roy’s Report [1]:

Jeff Jansen, a self-declared “prophet” and former leader of Global Fire Ministries in Tennessee, died unexpectedly on Tuesday, his family and former church announced. The cause of death wasn’t made public. He was 60.

Jansen was an avid Trump supporter who wrote a book on Trump and God

He also definitely had issues that might have contributed to his death.

Jansen left his wife last year. Court records show a divorce case is ongoing. TRR previously reported Jansen had a history of driving under the influence. At the time of his death, he was facing a theft charge in the local courts.

Jeff Jansen was jailed July 29, 2021, on a charge of theft of property between $10,000 and $60,000, according to Lisa Marchesoni, public information officer for the Rutherford County (Tennessee) Sheriff’s Office.

And he most definitely had other issues, sicker ones. From Joe My God [2]:

Jansen last appeared on JMG in August 2021 when he declared [3] that Trump had “secretly” been inaugurated months earlier.

Before that we heard about him when his church fired him [4] for making “unbiblical moral choices.”

Jansen said the Trumps would be a political dynasty. “The last Trump will be Barron,” Jansen said. “He is going to be one of the greatest presidents of the United States.”

Right before a divorce. Maybe his “alpha” got out of control and the prophet found himself all too human.

In April 2021, Jansen appeared here when he declared [5] that other American churches have “turned effeminate, almost homosexual” but at his church all the ushers “are packing,” so don’t try anything “because they’ll kill you.

The cause of death was not released. We assume he wasn’t taken out by an usher.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman