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Melania Lashes Out in Statement and Pouts About LOVING Christmas and Hating Stephanie Winston Wolkoff

Some people are utterly amazed that Trump has remained married to Melania long after her “Past Due” date for Trump and women. But it actually shouldn’t be a surprise. For one, Melania is the person that could destroy Trump with the greatest speed, ease, and thoroughness over and above any person on Earth. It’s possible that Melania’s anger about the FBI rifling through her panties is rooted in the fact that that’s where she keeps Trump’s b*lls. But the other reason that Trump has kept her around (and her, him) is that these two are peas in a pod. At times, Melania is more Trump than Trump. God, they’re identical in their outlook and intellect. They only care about themselves and their comfort.

Today is one of those times Melania shows off her Trumpiness.

Melania seeks to make some money off NFTs and Christmas ornaments. Of course, some of the money is going to foster children, and that’s fine. But Melania is a little vague on the percentage of the money going to foster children versus the percentage going into her pocket. We know that she must be pocketing a significant amount because she’s sure fighting the whole “Fock Christmas” thing that Stephanie Winston Wolkoff played – phone recordings – and that means Melania wants people to know that she loves Christmas.

The other thing she wants people to know – and this is where the Trump thing comes in – is that Winston Wolkoff is a terrible human being who chopped up the phone conversation to make Melania look bad and that Stef violated a White House non-disclosure agreement to do it. The White House doesn’t have non-disclosure agreements because they are government employees. Trump certainly tried to get non-disclosure agreements with everyone, but it was cut off as “illegal” back when that mattered. So Melania is flat-lying about that portion of her shredding of Winston-Wolkoff. Surprise.

But check out the extra-crispy, super-sized Trumpiness of this statement:

“While I was serving as First Lady of our country, Stephanie Wolkoff secretly recorded several of our conversations. Wolkoff then spitefully edited and released our conversation to create the perception that Christmas is not significant to me. I will personally set the record straight because the mainstream media has failed to provide context for these misleading exchanges. Christmas is an important time for me, my family, and the American people, and my devotion to the holiday is personal and profoundly serious.”

“Most people will agree that reuniting migrant children with their parents is more important than discussing Christmas decorations during summertime. The fact that Wolkoff deleted this
part of our conversation, where I expressed hope to reunite families split apart at the southern border, exposes her malicious intent. Wolkoff is untrustworthy. Her contract with the First Lady’s Office was terminated in February 2018, and she was later charged with violating the confidentiality clause of her White House Employment Agreement.”

OH wow.

And if one wants to see the real thing:

Well, like any Trump, we totally believe Melania. This must be true because Stefanie is a horrible person; Melania has assured us of that many times. This puts Stefanie in the same company as everyone else who has ever said anything but glowing praise of Melania. Everyone who has ever uttered one bad word about her is a horrible person. Melania is a wonderful Trump.

And in case you forgot:


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman