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Little Marco Gets Destroyed on CNN for Voting Against Hurricane Sandy Relief (NY) While Wanting Ian Relief in Florida

What comes around goes around, and if you are a senator from FLORIDA who must vote on a hurricane relief package for some other state, you have to know that at some point in your career, you will be voting on a hurricane relief package for FLORIDA, given that Florida sticks out like a foot straight into Atlantic Hurricane Global Headquarters. But if you’re Little Marco Rubio, you don’t think that far ahead of time, or – you don’t care about being a total hypocrite.

This morning on State of the Union, Marco found himself hog-tied, and his excuse for the utter hypocrisy was about as legitimate as Rubio himself:

“What I didn’t vote for in Sandy is because they included a roof for a museum in Washington, D.C., for fisheries in Alaska. It had been loaded up with things that had nothing to do with disaster relief. I voted for every disaster relief package, especially that’s clean, and I’ll continue to do so. When it comes to Florida, we’ll do that again and make sure the package is clean and doesn’t have stuff for other people in there.” – Sen. Marco Rubio, speaking today on CNN.

The 2012 disaster relief package included money [1] to repair the roof of the Smithsonian that was damaged by Hurricane Sandy. The “fisheries” funding was actually allocated to several states to address marine debris [2] after a devastating tsunami.

DANA BASH: You’re asking for disaster relief money for Florida, but you voted against a relief package after Sandy

MARCO RUBIO: It included stuff like a roof for a museum in DC

BASH: I read the congressional research report and it sounds like the roof was damaged by the storm

Yeah, Marco didn’t think it was “clean” to list the things actually hurt by the disasters. He prefers “clean bills” that just say, “Pay to the Order of Florida: Sixety Billion Dollars”  Re: “Hurricane.” That is way cleaner and better because then he can push money to “rebuild” an expensive bank building that just needed to be modernized a bit. Things like that matter in Florida and everywhere else, which is why Congress often directs specific sums for specific purposes.

Such a disingenuous little twit:


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman