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National Archives Bombshell: ‘We Know We Don’t Have Custody of Everything We Should’

According to the Wall Street Journal, [1] acting Archivist of the United States Debra Steidel Wall wrote to the House Oversight Committee, “While there is no easy way to establish absolute accountability, we do know that we do not have custody of everything we should” in addressing files related to Trump.”


The article goes on to say:

The letter also said that, as appropriate, the National Archives would consult with the Justice Department on whether to initiate action to recover records that may have been removed in potential violation of the Presidential Records Act. Still, the National Archives declined to say whether Mr. Trump had turned over all presidential records. Ms. Maloney had pressed Ms. Steidel Wall to obtain a written certification from Mr. Trump that he had surrendered all presidential records or classified materials, hadn’t made any copies, and hadn’t turned the documents over to anyone other than the archives or the Justice Department.”

One gets the sense that the FBI would desperately love to search Bedminster and Trump Tower but knows that it better have evidence so solid that the country understands the need for a second or third search warrant. The sense arises from the fact that it would be typical Trump to spread out the files he wanted to keep. There is also this, which made the rounds on Twitter compliments of a former senior FBI agent:

One’s first response would probably be, “But as a businessman who moves to the resort for an entire summer, it probably shouldn’t be too surprising that Trump would bring bankers’ boxes with files.” But if a senior FBI agent says that he believes it is suspicious, it is probably a bit suspicious.

Regardless, one can bet that the FBI knows that there are still files out there. They have worked with the National Archives from the beginning and don’t need a letter. It will be interesting to see Congress’s response.

Meanwhile, House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) responded with a statement:

Former President Trump and his senior staff have shown an utter disregard for the rule of law and our national security by failing to return presidential records as the law requires. I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure that all presidential records from the Trump White House are returned to the custody of the government and to make sure these abuses never happen again.”

Her position is pretty clear.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman