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Trump Exploded in Fury Over Interview Questioning Russian Relationships, ‘You Better F**king Fix It!’

Trump is one sensitive guy when it comes to questions about why he seems unable to resist anything Russian. He should face many more questions regarding Russia, and it looks as though he might as some of these files are further investigated and, more importantly, his business relationships have been investigated. His sweetheart loans from Deutsche Bank have never been explained, and his relationship with Russia was an open enough and worrisome enough concern that even in 2016 Trump faced serious and intense questioning on the matter from ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, who was perhaps something like “Helsinki” might come to pass if Trump was elected.

Trump doesn’t appreciate serious and intense questioning about anything that is fishy about him. Trump needs his secrecy. He is like Dracula. Sunshine kills him.

Huffpost [1] reports that Maggie Haberman has a portion of her book Confidence Man, that describes the scene following the ABC interview. Trump was on his best Trump behavior:

“Eight f***ing follow-ups — are you f***ing kidding me?” Trump reportedly snarled. “It’s like asking me if I beat my wife. You ask me once, I say ‘F*** no,’ and we move on. You don’t then ask if I hit her with a f***ing baseball bat or a fucking golf club. That was bullsh** and you better f***ing fix it in the edit.”

Actually, it’s much more like a police officer questioning the guy in the undershirt, the guy whose wife is bruised and crying but won’t say anything, and thus the officer refuses to just be satisfied with “No,” without explaining why his wife is bruised and battered. That is the better analogy, but Trump rarely feels the need to explain himself if the answer hurts him. Indeed, he is notorious for lashing out and has been for a long time.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman