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Biden Eviscerates Trump Over Fuentes Dinner with Eight Powerful Words

He who takes up arms against another commonly wounds himself, and the avenger should remember the words of Napoleon, “Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.”


Never … murder a man who is committing suicide.

Woodrow Wilson.

Donald Trump may have finally damaged himself beyond repair, dining with the nation’s most notorious anti-Semite and White Nationalist. As stated earlier in one of our stories, Trump has no one to blame for this. There is no other side. He is not being persecuted. This mistake is his, and his staff knows it. ‘This is a f***ing nightmare,’ said one longtime Trump adviser who spoke anonymously.

Obviously, when something of this magnitude hits the news, reporters are going to want Biden’s response. Today, President Biden was – per family tradition – on Nantucket celebrating Thanksgiving and out shopping with Jill and Hunter. Reporters approached, wanting Joe’s thoughts on one matter only. From Mediaite [1]:

Mr. President, what’s your reaction to Donald Trump having dinner with a White nationalist?” he was asked first.

“Mr. President, what do you think of Donald Trump having dinner with a White nationalist?” he was asked a second time. After still not getting an answer, the reporter followed up a third time, asking, “What do you say, sir?”

“You don’t want to know what I think.

Eight words. And in those eight words, Biden conveyed his anger and disgust for what Trump said. He managed to express his love and support for Jews and POC. And most importantly, he kept the entire matter right in Trump’s lap, refusing to be drawn into it.

You don’t get in the way of your enemy when he’s busy making a mistake or murder a man committing suicide.