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MAGAs Are Panicking So Badly, Bringing Out Absurd Excuses for Trump-Fuentes Dinner

You can find a lot more on how Trump well and truly screwed himself with this “scandal,” which is fundamentally different than his others HERE [1], at my Substack account. 

Trump’s dinner with Nick Fuentes is going to cause problems that go well beyond his usual “scandals.” Even with the criminal case in which Top-Secret SCI files were found in Mar-a-Lago, Trump could still cry persecution. The deep state is out to get him. They have been since 2015. They haven’t beaten him yet, and on and on. That’s the usual Trump scandal, and it has no real impact on his following.

Not so with this dinner. Trump has no one to blame but himself.

This isn’t to say that Steve Bannon isn’t trying. Bannon thinks that he can lay the blame on Kanye and Fuentes as a trolling operation meant to hurt Trump, which makes absolutely no sense, and Bannon places the other part of the blame on Trump’s staff, who didn’t do enough research on Fuentes and couldn’t protect Trump from himself.

Except Trump says he didn’t know Fuentes (details from the dinner certainly indicate that they got to know each other), and that means that Trump didn’t even bother to ask or think it was something worth knowing. There is also the possibility that Trump knew damned well who Fuentes was and just believed that he could cover it with Kanye having dinner at Mar-a-Lago with some hangers-on. The dinner happened on Tuesday. The news only broke Friday. Perhaps Trump almost got away with it.

But this is how desperate the GOP is to move this scandal along, which isn’t going to happen.

Great idea. Interventions to save Trump from himself. That, too, has been going on since 2015.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman