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Milo Yiannopoulos and Nick Fuentes Used the Mar-a-Lago Kanye Dinner to Set Trump Up

When former President Donald Trump sat down to dinner with Kanye West (who now likes to go by the name ‘Ye’) at Mar-a-Lago, he was apparently unaware there would be an extra guest — white nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes. And according to NBC News, [1] it’s very likely Trump walked into a trap that was set intentionally for him, according [2] to Raw Story.

And that’s sent Trump into damage-control mode on Truth Social, claiming he didn’t know who Nick Fuentes was and that West “expressed no anti-Semitism” during the dinner.

I don’t know what difference that makes. If Trump was a decent person he’d have kicked West to the curb for the anti-Semitic tweets [3] he posted in October. But Trump isn’t a decent person, so there’s that.

And Fuentes and notorious right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos are crowing about it.

“We saw everybody in the dining room get up and start applauding, and then the president entered,” Fuentes told NBC News. “He greeted us and he invited Ye into dinner and Ye said that he wanted to bring us with him to the table. So we walked in and Ye took some pictures with some of the guests in the dining room and then we sat down at the table.”

According to an anonymous Trump adviser, Fuentes’ presence was an attention-grabbing setup, per NBC News.

“The master got trolled,” the adviser said. “Kanye punked Trump.”

Yiannopoulos told NBC News he was the “architect” who put Trump and Fuentes together.

“I wanted to show Trump the kind of talent that he’s missing out on by allowing his terrible handlers to dictate who he can and can’t hang out with,” he said.

“I also wanted to send a message to Trump that he has systematically repeatedly neglected, ignored, abused the people who love him the most, the people who put him in office, and that kind of behavior comes back to bite you in the end,”Yiannopoulos added.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry here. I mean, it’s great that Trump is being burnt here, but what he’s saying in essence is that Trump is not showing enough love to white supremacists, anti-Semites, and other nasty people like these.

Maybe there’s more to Stranger Things [4] than I thought and we really are living in the Upside-Down. Okay, okay. I know the beloved Netflix series is well-written (and fun) fantasy, but wow.

Part of me wants to enjoy this long-time coming takedown of Trump but not by disgusting racists and white nationalists.

And Fuentes agreed with his pandering cohort, saying, “I hate to say it but the chickens are coming home to roost. You know, this is the frustration with his base and with his true loyalists.”

My dear old daddy always said, “if you lie down with dogs you get fleas.”

He’s not wrong and what we have here is an infestation. Time to fumigate.