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Dr. Oz Can’t Get His Show Back on the Air Because What Audience Wants a MAGA?

Genius comes in so many forms. Mathematical, reading comprehension, writing, mechanical, athletic, operating, political, athletic… the list goes on and on. Some can manage a few crossovers, and a very few don’t have any; you’re reading from one. But Dr. Oz, is a genius cardiovascular surgeon and daytime television snake oil salesman, and yet he couldn’t capture the political genius it takes to navigate a campaign that doesn’t nauseate over one-half the voters. And now he’s lost over half of the potential viewers.

It doesn’t help when you’re appointed by a guy who is one of those very few who have no genius capabilities except perhaps survival instinct. Everything Tump touches dies. Radar Online reported: [1]

“No one in the mainstream will touch him,” a source told RadarOnline.com. “You can’t alienate half of your audience with a political stance and expect to bring in an audience on your return to television,” the source added…

“…However, sources said Oz wants his show back telling us, “But it is not what he wants. He wants a daily gig. But it is not going to happen…”

“… An insider claimed, “He can’t even get a word with his former producers. Dr. Oz is a social creature who likes to hear himself talk, and it’s beginning to dawn on him that he’s just now wanted in Hollywood circles anymore.”


That is kind of one of those things that you talk to a group of advisers about when considering running. There has to be a “what do I have to lose” discussion. In this case, it was “Most of your income.”

Campaigns are just nasty things. It was Fetterman’s job to beat Oz up, show people Oz’s dark side, and it turns out Oz does have a dark side. But it’s also difficult when over half of your viewers now think that hearing you speak is akin to scratching the chalkboard.

Someone should have mentioned, “You know that everything Trump touches, dies, right?” We will see it again when Herschel Walker loses (And he likely will if early voting is any indication). Walker will have to consider that everyone now knows he’s the biggest hypocrite breeder of all time. Even he had a hard time counting his kids. #ETTD