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Kanye West Tells Jewish People to Just Get Over It and Forgive Hitler Already

I have to wonder if Kanye West is trying to destroy himself on purpose. He just keeps making more and more antisemitic remarks and I know he’s mentally ill [1] and likely off his meds but this is really doing damage to a lot of innocent people, as well as his own reputation.

He’s now followed up with the blatantly anti-Semitic remarks he made on Alex Jones’s program by saying Jewish people should “forgive Hitler.”

Um, exactly what is there to forgive? The man is directly responsible for the Holocaust which resulted in the deaths of Jewish and non-Jewish people alike. How do you tell the descendants of all these murdered people to “forgive Hitler?”

But that’s apparently not in Ye’s (the name West prefers to use nowadays) purview.

In an interview on the right-wing platform, Censored.TV with Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes, who said at the beginning that he hoped to “talk him off the ledge” and stop him from “becoming an anti-Semite or a Nazi,” but the situation spiraled down from there, according to Rolling Stone. [2]

“Jews should work for Christians,” West told McInnes. “I’ll hire a Jewish person in a second if I knew they weren’t a spy and I could look through their phone and follow through their house and have a camera all in their living room.”

Frankly, I don’t think many Jewish people would work for him under those weird-a** specifications. And I’m quite certain few Jewish people are spies. Perhaps West needs an intervention [3] before he can do additional harm.

As he did with his interview with Jones, West wore a black hood that covered his entire head when he met McInnes. Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes was also there because I guess sharing more crazy ideas with ex-president Trump in order to embarrass him and create a social media firestorm just wasn’t enough.

During the interview, West pointed out that Hitler had a historically bad reputation (duh.)

A “historically bad reputation” that he himself created.

“We make our reputations, that was made by Jewish people,” West asserted. “But some of it’s incorrect. Also, the Holocaust is not the only holocaust, so for them to take that and claim — we have abortion right now. That’s eugenics, that’s genocide. That’s a holocaust that we’re dealing with right now, so because Jewish people control the majority of the media, along with banks, along with real estate, along with malls.”

McInnes said he found secular Jews to be problematic “liberal elites,” and compared them to Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Barack Obama. He did, however, defend Orthodox Hasidic Jews but that led West to say he “lumps them all together.” And he then went on to blame Jews for pornography, which he somehow compared to a “gas chamber.”

“They can control the narrative,” West said. “History is written by the winners.”

If by “winners’ he means warlords and other tyrants, then yeah, he has a point. But human history is a long and complicated fabric interwoven by the “winners” and “losers” alike. I’ve written extensively on history and it has become clear to me that West understands little about history. In all likelihood, this is his mental illness talking.

What’s also worse here, is that not only is he being cruel to Jewish people, his antics are doing much to harm how mental illness is perceived. Mental illness is still terribly stigmatized and those of us who deal with it daily have to fight many misconceptions about it.

We have a country plunging headlong into fascism and West is just another one of far too many people fanning the flames. I can’t see any good coming out of this, can you?