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Newsmax Host Gets Caught in Huge Lie: Claims There Are No Longer Any White American Girl Dolls

Newsmax host Rob Finnerty is all up in it over what he says is a lack of white American Girl dolls at Rockefeller Center. In a clip that’s now gone viral on social media, he blows a gasket over his alleged experience, according to The Root. [1]

“My daughter is just a cute little 6-year-old white girl — we couldn’t find anybody that looked like my daughter,” Finnerty exclaims in the video. “It was — the whole place, it was, like wokified. How long has this been going on with American Girls? It was somewhat of a bizarre experience.”

But as journalist Suzanne Ramirez de Arellano notes [2] in an op-ed for NBC News, even though viewers expect low-brow and uninformed commentary from far-right news organizations like Newsmax, it should be duly noted that they promote and perpetuate racism.

And, according to The Root:

“The Root’s office is located just a few steps from the American Girl store. Our writers and editors pass by it everyday and we can clearly say the store is mostly filled with white dolls.”

Arellano couldn’t help but wonder:

“Did he stop to think that perhaps all of the white dolls were sold out at the store? Was going to the American Girl [3] website not an option for him? Surely if he did, his panic would’ve subsided,” she notes. “In the All Dolls section, you must scroll through almost 10 white dolls before you get to a doll of color.”

“I also imagine he forgot about the decades that cute, little Black and brown girls could only choose from all-white doll shelves — none of which looked anything like them. Why? Because whiteness was the default.”

While Finnerty’s over-the-top act is bad enough, what’s even worse is that his fake “panic” stirs up a real and actual panic — the kind that stirs fears of white replacement theory [4] — an irrational fear that white people will become a minority in the U.S. His fake panic over this stirs a harmful narrative among his followers. And let me tell you, folks who watch Newsmax love to buy into this sort of thing. They are undaunted by the fact that it is a morass of failed fact checks, pseudoscience and conspiracy theories, according to Media Bias/Fact Check. [5]

I’m a “cute” 60+ white girl, and growing up I was surrounded by dolls. And yes, every single one of them was white. Forget about finding a black or Hispanic doll. They were nowhere to be found. Maybe this is why I found dolls excruciatingly boring. They all did the same things, they all looked the same, and there was no variation anywhere. Most of them were blonde and blue-eyed with the occasional brunette thrown in for good measure. How were young girls of color, growing up in these days, able to even remotely relate to these dolls?

But dolls from my generation were also teaching little girls to grow up to be “mommies.” There were few if any dolls for little girls who wanted to grow up to be doctors, or firefighters, or dog groomers, or any of the things women do now.

So Finnerty can just can it with his fake outrage, which I’ve included in the clip below.