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MAGA Radio Host Tells Trump to Shut Up and Stop Whining: ‘Nobody Cares’ About Your ‘Grievances’

It seems that MAGA radio host John Fredericks has hopped off the Trump train, telling Donald Trump in the bluntest terms possible on Tuesday that “nobody cares” about his petty gripes and “grievances” against the media anymore.

Fredericks has long been a Trump supporter of the twice-impeached former president, but apparently, the bloom on that particular rose has faded. He’s unhappy that Trump continues to ignore political issues by continuing to focus on bizarre lawsuits and “fake news.” Frederick is also apparently not thrilled that Trump privately backed [1] Ronna McDaniel, who was successfully reelected as chair of the Republican National Committee.

“President Trump is going to do what he wants,” Fredericks said, according to Raw Story. “I think he should have stayed out of it totally, not even send surrogates. Just let the chips fall where they may. Same with [House Speaker Kevin]McCarthy.”

Those on the furthest right wing of the Republican Party wanted McDaniel to be ousted [2] as RNC chair thanks to the disastrous 2022 midterm election results. They threw their support to conservative activist Harmeet Dhillon. This even includes Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who told [3] Dhillon “we are rooting for you.” This did not get the hoped-for results because Dhillon lost [4] to McDaniel by a wide margin.

Taking a page from other MAGA influencers who aren’t happy [5] about McDaniels’ win, Fredericks said “We’ve all been saying to stop giving money to the RNC.” He’d scheduled a public debate between the chair candidates during the RNC meetings but the only candidate who showed up [6] was Trump-loving MyPillow CEO, Mike Lindell.

But it wasn’t long before Fredericks was back to castigating Trump, blasting the 2024 GOP presidential hopeful for making his feuds with the press the top priority over everything else. The conservative pundit specifically mentioned [7] Trump’s $49 million lawsuit against renowned journalist Bob Woodward over a series of taped interviews.

“He sent a big thing out yesterday about, I don’t know, ‘fake news’ or he’s suing somebody,” Fredericks said. “I’m telling you folks, I’m just telling you. Nobody cares. I mean, they just don’t care!”

He noted that right now, Americans are more worried about the “price of eggs” and inflation. “People are hurting,” and “just don’t care” about Trump’s Truth Social posts and complaints about CNN.

“I’m telling you, It’s all grievances,” he said. clearly frustrated. “No one cares. They just don’t care! I just don’t care!”

And he correctly pointed out that Trump only has himself to blame when it comes to the dozens of hours of taped interviews with Woodward.

“I mean, you’ve got all the publicity you’ll ever need,” Fredericks concluded. “And you think you’re going to sit down with Bob Woodward for 100 hours with a tape recorder on and think that somehow at the end of the day, honestly, that that is going to work to your advantage if you’re Donald Trump. Like, somehow, he was going to convince Woodward what a great president he is.”

Trump isn’t fooling anyone here. He knew sitting down with Woodward would give him much more attention, and the ridiculous lawsuit simply adds to that. Trump has always had money. He’s never going to care about the price of eggs or anything else that concerns everyday Americans for that matter.

And anyone who thinks differently has been played.