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Miss Universe is Now Owned by a Trans Woman and MAGAs are Going INSANE

When the new owner of the Miss Universe pageant, who happens to be a trans woman, gave a speech praising the organization as run by women, for women and composed of women, conservative Twitter users, as you might guess, turned on their inner stupid.

“Welcome to the Miss Universe Organization,” JKN Global Group CEO Anne Jakrajutatip told the audience at the 71st Miss Universe competition in New Orleans.

Model, fashion designer, and sewing instructor R’Bonney Gabriel won the Miss Universe crown, beating out 83 other contestants, according to Fox News. [1]

“From now on it’s going to be run by women, owned by a trans woman for all women around the world to celebrate the power of feminism!” Jakrajutatip declared as the audience cheered.

“Diverse cultures, social inclusion, gender equality, creativity, a force for good, and a force for the beauty of humanity,” she said.

Jakratutajip is a popular Thai reality TV star.

As you might expect, right-wing Twitter users were not happy at the idea of a trans woman running the show.

“It’s not FEMALE EMPOWERMENT when the first ‘woman’ to own the Miss Universe pageant organization was born a MAN,” wrote conservative influencer James Bradley.

Then there’s political commentator Ian Miles Cheong, who criticized Jakrajutatip for telling women “what it means to be a woman.”

“Listening to that transgender Miss Universe owner lecture the public on what it means to be a woman really takes the cake,” he fumed.

Another Twitter user, responding to Cheong added that the west is “completely detached from reality.”

Journalist Peter Whittle, founder of New Culture Forum was also not happy with this turn of events and complained that it was hypocritical for an organization meant to champion women should be run by a trans woman.

“The new boss of the Miss Universe contest proclaims it will now be run by women and will celebrate feminism, inadvertently forgetting perhaps that he is, in fact, a man,” Whittle tweeted.

No son, you’ve got the first part of this wrong. The Miss Universe Pageant solely existed for men to ogle women. It’s always been an internationally televised program to allow men to do just that. I’m not saying whether that’s right or wrong. I’m merely stating a fact. And as to that last part, there are many men who do what they can to celebrate feminism.

That sort of thing is lost on men like Ben Kew, commentator for Human Events, who posted “I see America is not the only thing to have gone to sh*t since Donald Trump stopped running it!”

MAGAs are going insane over the new owner, and it’s ridiculous:

Dude sure has a strange sense of humor. Or wait, maybe he’s being serious. Check out what others have said:
