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Pence May Be Last Witness Jack Smith Needs to Indict: ‘We’ve Entered the Car Chase Scene’

As most know, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith subpoenaed former Vice President Mike Pence yesterday to testify in front of the grand jury. When announced, one had two thoughts. The first was fighting off disbelief that it is now February 10th, 2023, and this is the first time someone has subpoenaed the principal witness to Donald Trump’s criminality (Thanks, Merrick). The second is trying to imagine Mike Pence struggling to get out of testifying, inevitably losing, and then walking into the grand jury room and dropping a lead hammer on Donald Trump.

Mike Pence is a lot of things, but one thing on which we can probably all agree, is when he raises his hand in the air and swears to tell the truth, so help him, God, he will tell the truth. Mike Pence had absolutely no spine for four years until the law, and his sworn duty required him to have a spine, and at that point, Pence hardened up and saved democracy for four more years.

*It is just so damned depressing that Jack Smith is so far behind in his investigation (because Merrick Garland was so far behind) that we’re only now seeing the subpoena, which will take at least two months to litigate if Pence tries to get out of it.

There is another thing that will cause Pence to sweat as he puts the stamp on a Trump indictment, there is already an accurate report out about Trump’s talks with Pence through the Washington Post and from Pence’s own book!

Below, we see former federal prosecutor Glen Kirschner tell us that Pence’s subpoena is the “climax” to the movie, that is, the Trump grand jury investigation.

Just get it over with, Mike. Don’t fight it out in court. You know you’ll lose. Go in, tell the story, get out, and go camping on the Big Island in Hawai’i or something.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman