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Trump Spotted Wearing New ‘Presidential’ Golf Shirt and His New Design is So Desperate and Pathetic

Look, Donald Trump is delusional. Just about everyone realizes that. He also thinks he’s the smartest and most handsome man to ever live, and has actually said these things out loud. Well, maybe not the most handsome man to ever live, but he has said he’s handsomest president. He just has no shame whatsoever.

And remember, he has one of the highest IQs EVER:

Ever since the one-term, twice-impeached loser lost to Joe Biden in 2020, Trump has worn specially designed golf shirts that say “President Donald Trump”, and some of them had “45” stitched on the arm sleeve. Trump also had MAGA hats with “45” embroidered on, being that he was the 45th president.

Trump golfing while wearing one of his “45” MAGA hats.

With Trump being delusional and certain he will win the presidential race in 2024, he has started saying he’s the “45th and 47th” president. In fact, he’s even said it on tape:

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Well, Trump is taking his belief he will be the 47th president to an all new level, and was spotted wearing new golf shirts that have “47” embroidered on the sleeve.

Yep, talk about presumptuous. The man has more pending criminal cases than I do fingers but he honestly believes he will be the 47th president. Take a look:

Trump is now wearing golf shirt emblazoned with “47” on the sleeve.

As you’d imagine, Twitter had a field day: