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[UPDATED] The NYPD Weighed Trump as Part of the Booking Process and GUESS WHAT – Trump Doesn’t Weigh 239 Pounds, and Isn’t 6’3″

UPDATE: Oh Twitter, you seemed to have caught us again! Apparently the NYPD didn’t weigh Trump. He just self-reported his weight and height. He reported his weight at 240lbs and his height as 6’2″. Obviously we have our opinions about that, but now’s not the time or place to discuss it. We apologize for the error.

Oh Donald Trump and his lies. They have been going on since the now indicted one-term loser wore short pants.

But now he was just caught in one of his bigger lies (that’s a pun, you just don’t know it yet).

Back in 2019, Trump had his second physical, which was done by Dr. Ronny Jackson, who is now a congressman. Everyone knew Jackson was lying, but what could anyone do? Jackson also said Trump could live to be 200 years old or something ridiculous like that.

At his 2019 physical he weighed 243 pounds, up from the 239 pounds he weighed in 2018.

It did seem a bit hard to believe that Trump had gained just 4 pounds over the year, but it’s was nearly impossible to trust the information that came out of the Trump White House.

Trump – who once described his exercise regimen as “I walk, I this, I that” – has long faced questions about his health. In 2018, he weighed in at 239 pounds, giving the 6-foot-3 former president a body mass index of 29.9. That placed Trump at “overweight” and on the verge of “obesity,” which is defined as a body mass index of 30 or greater.

Based on the BMI calculator, with Trump’s height of 6’3″ and a weight of 243 pounds, he has a BMI of 30.4 which qualifies as obese.

But during his arrest and indictment in New York on Tuesday, his weight and height were taken, and surprise surprise…Trump lied.

Trump weighed 270 pounds and was 6’1″ tall. Now I do want to put a disclaimer here…this info is coming from Twitter, as we don’t have a booking sheet or mug shot. But thus far some very reliable people have posted about it. Once we have more information, we will update this article.

Using the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’s BMI calculator, Trump is now firmly in the obese category.

Trump being 6’3″ was always doubted. Here’s a photo of Trump with Justin Trudeau who is 6’2″. Proof is in the photo!

Twitter had a field day:


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