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Eric Trump Issues Threat to Rachel Maddow and He Just Made a HUGE Mistake Messing With Maddow

Yep, Eric Trump is the dumb one. I vacillate between Don Jr. and Eric, but Eric wins. And what he did today is further proof.

On Monday night MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow did a segment revealing some of the attendees of an event that is being hosted this weekend at Trump National Doral, the Miami hotel resort owned by Donald Trump.

Scott McKay and Charlie Ward will appear on the latest leg of the ReAwaken America tour. Both have expressed antisemitic views and support of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

Trump’s dumb son Eric, his wife, Lara Trump, and “a whole bunch of other Trump administration folks” will also speak at the event on Friday and Saturday, Maddow claimed.

“I can’t really believe they are going ahead with it,” the MSNBC host said of the tour, which was co-founded by Michael Flynn, Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser.

The Anti-Defamation League, on its website, describes the tour as “a series of controversial far-right conferences” featuring “prominent QAnon influencers, anti-vaxx activists, election fraud conspiracy theorists, Christian pastors, political candidates and elected officials.”

Literally the worst possible people, and the Trump family is propping them up and giving them a place to spew their hate and venom.

Well, dumb Eric didn’t like this, so he sent out a threat to Maddow.

Eric tweeted, “Rachel Maddow is walking a fine line. We are the most pro-Israel family in American political history – from the Abraham Accords, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights to sanctioning Iran, no one has done more for Israel than our family. Never mind, that my sister, brother-in-law and niece and nephews happen to be proud Jews. If she or anyone else even remotely suggests I am anti-semitic I will not hesitate to take legal action against them personally.”

I like the way Eric writes like HE moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Like he had anything to do with this. Like the Trump family as a whole was the president.

Then Eric claimed that since his brother-in-law married them, and Jared is a Jew, there is no way he can be anti-semitic. Ugh, these people.

But threatening Maddow isn’t smart, because people love Rachel Maddow, and people came out in droves to defend her:

Try to fight this Eric: