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Prepare for Trump Meltdown: Over 100 Ex-Trump Officials to Back DeSantis in 2024

Well, it looks very much like the rats are fleeing the sinking ship. It’s even caught the attention of the notoriously right-wing New York Post, [1] which is reporting that at least 100 former Trump administration officials have formed a group to support Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis (Florida), who is expected to soon announce his intentions to run for president in 2024, one report notes.

The rats, er, I mean people who are members of the so-called “Eight-Year Alliance” have called DeSantis “a proven winner” who “does what he says,” based on his record as governor of the state. The coalition argues it’s supporting DeSantis because they think he is a strong enough candidate to serve two terms in the White House, according to a report released Monday by Fox News.

Coalition members also told Fox they want to prevent their ex-boss, former President Donald Trump from “immediately becoming a lame-duck president” if he beats Biden President Joe Biden in 2024.

Fox News’s report lists former acting Associate Attorney General Jesse Panuccio, former Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Will Bushman, former Counselor to the Secretary and White House Liaison at the Department of Labor Pedro Allende, former Senior Counsel, and Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce James Uthmeier and Principal Deputy General Counsel at the Department of Commerce David Dewhirst as some of the members of the Eight-Year Alliance, the Post [1] reports.

A complete list of former Trump administration officials backing DeSantis hasn’t been released yet.

Sources who talked to Fox News said these Trump administration veterans are “proud” of their work for the 45th president and aren’t trying to attack him, but they are now “wholeheartedly” supporting DeSantis. The Florida governor is expected to file the required paperwork with the Federal Election Commission and officially enter the race for president this week, and gearing up for an anticipated battle with Trump.

Trump is currently leading DeSantis by double digits in most 2024 GOP primary polls, but with so many of his ex-staffers now supporting DeSantis, I think this is going to change. Also, recent surveys show that when it comes to head-to-head matchups [2] against Joe Biden, DeSantis wins, [3] but Trump loses.

And if DeSantis runs, he’ll have plenty of GOP company, not just Trump. Former UN Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Sen Tim Scott (R-S.C.), entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, [4] former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and right-wing talk show host Larry Elder have also joined the fray.

There’s not a single one of these candidates who are a worthwhile human being. Haley doesn’t believe Florida’s controversial “Don’t Say Gay” law goes far enough, meaning she’s an even bigger homophobe/transphobe than DeSantis. You can also throw Hutchinson in there [5] for good measure. As for Ramaswamy, he’s buddies with disgraced biotech investor Martin Shkreli. In a country smack in the middle of a decades-long healthcare crisis, this makes him a poor bet as well.

What a depressing bunch of people. And all the Democrats have right now is Joe Biden. I don’t hate him but they can do better, and they should. I’m sorry but the political prospects for the U.S. do not look good right now. I’m just calling it as I see it.