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Howard Stern Utterly Wrecks Caitlyn Jenner for Being Such a Ridiculous Hypocrite and It Is PERFECTION

Bruce Jenner set a record [1] in the Decathlon at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, Canada. For those that don’t know, the Decathalon combines ten different track and field events, from sprints to long jumps, a little bit of everything. Having won the decathlon in record time, Jenner became known as the world’s “strongest, fastest, etc. athlete.” Because “he” was.

But within the Jenner family, it had never been a secret. Jenner liked to dress in women’s clothes, put on make-up and “be” a woman. Inside, Jenner wanted to be a woman. Inside Jenner’s mind, “he” was a woman even as he became the world’s strongest “man.”

Now, science understands that the “inner feeling” that one is misgendered is a dangerous condition that leads to suicides, depression, and unfulfilled lives, which is why it’s treated.

It’s a remarkable coincidence that the world’s greatest athlete (which was always assumed to be a man) was, in his heart, a woman.

Jenner took advantage of just one of modern medicine’s greatest achievements. The ability to diagnose, treat, and hormonally/surgically, transform a man into a woman and vice versa. An OBGYN once told me that the conversion from man to woman is one of the easiest surgeries in existence, “Just turn the penis inside out and place it within the pelvis.” I’m sure it’s more complicated than that but it’s not that difficult.

Jenner could have carried the banner for trans rights and made a difference upon becoming Caitlyn Jenner. Indeed, the transformation was so successful that very few remember “Bruce” because Bruce was ALWAYS Caitlyn inside, her true self.

But Caitlyn’s disgusting hypocrisy has now made her a hated figure in the trans community. “What’s good for me is bad for thee.” And recently, Howard Stern lit her up for the reckless, disgusting hypocrisy.

From Mediaite: [2]

Stern noted what I said above: “You know — who’s thinking about Bruce Jenner when you’re looking at this girl?”

Stern’s co-host, the invaluable Robin Quivers noted:

“Oh, my God. Certainly can’t think of Caitlyn with her constant political comments that make no sense at all.”

Stern picked it up from there.

“Yeah. She’s like transgender people’s worst nightmare. A transgender who’s self-loathing?” Stern said, likely referencing Jenner’s recent controversial comments  [3]about keeping transgender athletes out of competing with their preferred gender.

In recent months, Jenner has received backlash after saying the trans community was “oversaturated,” citing indoctrination as the cause in an April interview with Breitbart. [4]

“Trans is not made up or fake, but it is oversaturated due to indoctrination and is the latest way the left is destroying the family unit—growing government, the indoctrination in the classroom, and the subsequent drastic increase in children being transitioned is a huge problem,” she told the outlet. [5]

As an editorial matter, Nicole and I have agreed that we both believe that athletic events involving transitioning teens who already have a male’s stature and muscle competing against “girls” is a problem in this site’s editorial opinion, again – shared by Nicole and me. It can result in competitions that are unfair to girls. Once a person born male goes through puberty, they gain certain advantages. They are stronger, taller, have greater lung capacity, etc. There is a difference and in sports where a tenth of a second can mean the difference between winning and losing, that difference matters.

But in the grand scheme of things, it’s a minuscule problem compared to suicides (trans teens comprise society’s most likely segment to commit suicide), depression, and general unhappiness. And what gives Jenner (Caitlyn or Bruce) the right to determine that SHE was a “real” case, but the rest are “saturated by the left”?

Athletic competition is a small problem that can be solved, somehow. The important thing is to keep one’s eye on the real problem, misgendered teens, so susceptible to suicide.  The TINY athletic problem is blown up by the Right for political purposes. Watch how fast this issue disappears after the election. That’s the gauge.

So, Fck her. Or, if the problem is oversaturated, and indoctrinated, let’s play the game Jenner’s way, fck “Him.”

SCIENCE has found, through rigorous study, that gender isn’t just a matter of XX or XY. It also involves psychology. My father is a physician. He has said that “to believe that doctors are harming children by treating them prior to age 18 is akin to saying that psychiatric and pediatric surgeons don’t care about patients and don’t care if they hurt kids. That’s bullshit. They went into the field to help kids!”

It is a powerful statement. The American Pediatric Society has been firm in its support of gender-affirming care. For politicians – like Jenner – to say that the doctors are wrong, and unable to diagnose the real problem with over-saturation, is to say that the American Pediatric Society is willing to hurt kids to remain PC, something Nicole and I, again, agree is impossible.

Short summary. Caitlyn needs to STFU, or she’s becoming “Bruce” again, at least at this site. You don’t get to have it both ways. If she won’t tolerate others following her, we won’t tolerate her while maintaining our compassion for other kids who desperately need treatment.

Remember the suicide rate. This isn’t a cultural-political or “woke” matter. It is a concern about life and death. Pediatric psychiatrists and surgeons should be allowed to treat their patients without political, or the world’s biggest hypocrite, “Bruce Jenner’s” opinion.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak with Publisher, co-author, and partner Nicole Hickman.