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Rachel Maddow Destroys Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the Rotten Job She’s Doing as Governor and It’s PERFECTION

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow took a good look at the sad state of the current Republican Party, and she found it rather…lacking. Maddow placed Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Arkansas) under the microscope, noting that the GOP hasn’t “exactly been cleaning up on big, political-winning issues just in the current news cycle.”

Maddow zeroed in on Huckabee Sanders’ attempts to end [1] school desegregation settlements as well as her efforts to minimize [2] the restrictions of child labor laws in Arkansas, according to TheWrap. [3]

The host of The Rachel Maddow Show used this moment to employ her sharp wit.

“Don’t worry, Republicans are in control in Arkansas, and they’re on both those big problems,” she said, with a note of sarcasm.

At the start of her segment, Maddow recapped how Trumpism has influenced the GOP, reflecting on the party’s poor performance and underwhelming wins during the midterm elections right up through the unparalleled 15 rounds of votes that it took for Kevin McCarthy to become House Speaker.

“Just looking at how Republicans have done in the elections in the era of Donald Trump, having Donald Trump as their standard-bearer of their party has been bad for them. It has not been good for them as a party,” Maddow observed. “And maybe it’s not fair to only judge them by what their standard-bearer has been able to achieve politically. Of course, there are lots of states that are under Republican control. Aside from Donald Trump, how’s it going politically in terms of the national political image for the Republican Party when you look at what’s going on in states run by Republicans? Well, they haven’t exactly been cleaning up on big, political-winning issues just in the current news cycle.”

Indeed, the GOP seems to be in disarray, attempting to micro-manage issues of huge concern to themselves, much to the disadvantage of everyone else.

At this point Maddow took a deep dive into GOP leadership nationwide, displaying a Wall Street Journal headline on Huckabee Sanders that read, “Arkansas Seeks to End School Desegregation Settlements.”

“Arkansas? School desegregation? Why does that ring a bell?” Maddow asked rhetorically. “Literally the state of the Little Rock Nine, the state where federal troops had to be used to desegregate the schools by force years after the Brown v. Board of Education ruling that said segregation was illegal, that state under Republican leadership from Sarah Huckabee Sanders, now that state is deciding that they’re going to get rid of desegregation orders for all their schools — because surely that’s never been a propblem in Arkansas!”

Maddow decided to place additional emphasis on the ways Huckabee Sanders may well turn back the clock on the civil rights of her constituents by calling out recent distressing changes made against the state’s child labor laws as part of an effort to turn children into slaves, er I mean employ children.

“Who among us in America has not laid awake at night worrying that the big problems, the big problems we need bold leadership to address in this country are the fact that schools can’t be segregated anymore and, ‘Ooh boy do I hate that there are child labor laws,” Maddow said in jest. “Don’t worry, Republicans are in control in Arkansas and they’re on both those big problems.”

Seems to me that nothing would make the GOP happier than to reawaken Jim Crow and well, pretty much anything that holds anyone other than Republicans down.

It’s the direction this country is headed in. Sarah Huckabee Sanders always seems so mom and apple pie, but make no mistake — she’s flat-out dangerous to human rights in the U.S.