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Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump Reportedly Despise Each Other — and Don Jr. Is Quite Jealous of Jared

Ah, nothing like a little sibling rivalry in the world’s worst family…the Trumps. According to the ex-personal attorney of Donald Trump, the sibling rivalry between the two eldest Trump children, Don Jr. and Ivanka, was quite fierce.

In a recent episode of the podcast “Mea Culpa”, Michael Cohen said that although Don Jr. “innately is the brightest of the three children,” he’s a “f–k up,” while Ivanka is “by far the most prepared of all of them.” (My tongue fell out of my mouth when Cohen said Don Jr. was the brightest of the three kids…I just don’t believe it.)

“She won’t go on an interview unless she knows every single question. She will script out the blowing of her hair,” Cohen told Aubrey O’Day, who also shared her thoughts on the Trump children since she was Don Jr.’s ex-girlfriend.

In 2019, The Atlantic revealed [1] there was a “cold war” between the two since they were constantly competing for their father’s affection.

Later on, the cold war turned intense due to paranoia.

“The cold war between him and Ivanka intensified,” McKay Coppins wrote. “Now that each had their own teams of allies and advisers, they had grown paranoid that the other’s henchmen were planting damaging stories about them in the press.”

In November 2022, during Tiffany Trump’s wedding, Ivanka cropped Don Jr.’s fiancĂ©e, Kimberly Guilfoyle, from the group shot.

Ivanka’s post to Instagram was missing something…
Oh, there it is…Kimberly Guilfoyle. Who could’ve been cut out because she didn’t get the pastel dress memo.

“Don had long ago come to understand that Ivanka was his father’s favorite,” Coppins wrote.

“‘Daddy’s little girl,’ he liked to joke. But making peace with her husband’s status in the family was harder. Ever since Ivanka had married Jared Kushner, Don had been made to watch as this effete, soft-spoken interloper cozied up to his dad,” he added.

Meanwhile, O’Day agreed with Cohen’s assessment of Ivanka, adding that she was the “hand inside of the puppet master.”

“You told me she was a dummy and is seen as a dummy. Like, go get her some shoes, and that will make her happy, put shiny things in front of her face … My understanding of her is she was the hand inside of the puppet master,” she said.

“She had the office next to him when he went to the White House, she was there to make calls, maybe it was [her husband] Jared [Kushner] making calls through her … I think obviously Trump’s natural state is to be able to hear women before men based off of what we’ve all seen and witnessed and you know what that means,” O’Day added.

O’Day was in a relationship with Don Jr. while he was still married to Vanessa Trump, having met when she was a contestant on The Celebrity Apprentice.