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Trump Just Revealed That Son Barron May Follow in His Dad’s Footsteps

We know more than we want to about four of Donald Trump’s kids, but thanks to Melania Trump’s careful parenting, we know next to nothing about his fifth child, Barron Trump.

However, it looks like this is changing. There were some hopes that because Barron is so tall (6’8″) he might wind up with a sporting career, but sadly, it looks like he’s following in his dad’s and half-siblings’ footsteps instead.

Considering how corrupt this family is, that’s a troubling thought.

During a September 15 interview with Megyn Kelly, the former president talked quite a lot about Barron, and SheKnows [1] reports this is somewhat of a shock when you consider the alleged fight he and Melania had over his using his son’s photo in a meme.

Trump divulged that he and Barron “actually get along very well,” and he spent most of his time talking about his 17-year-old son’s future. College isn’t far away and more than a few people have been wondering what college he’ll attend. Looks like his father’s alma mater is a possibility.

“Barron’s very tall — about six-eight. And, he’s a good kid. He’s a good-looking kid. He’s a great student, very good student,” Trump said, remarking that he and Melania are “looking at” the possibility of him attending the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

In case you didn’t know this, Trump, his kids Don Jr., Ivanka Trump Kushner, and Tiffany Trump have each graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Junior and Ivanka graduated from the Wharton School, and Tiffany graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Eric is the one holdout. He went to Georgetown University instead.

However, according to the Associated Press, [2] Trump’s relationship with the Wharton School has been a rocky one, with many areas within the school not proudly showing he attended here even though the school has showcased many noted alumni. But because three of his kids attended the school, there’s a good chance Barron will go there.

I’m a little crestfallen over this. I’m hoping Barron won’t become as corrupt as the rest of his family. I hope he strikes out on his own path. Whatever faults Melania may have, she’s been a careful mother and I hope she still has some say over his future.

I’m probably being overly idealistic here, but when it comes to the Trump family, I’m used to disappointment.