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Caitlyn Jenner Brags That She Hasn’t Used a Men’s Room in Eight Years, ‘Trans Protections for Me, Not for Thee’

It looks like conservatives should take a lesson from their poster girl when it comes to transgender bathroom use. Republicans and right-wingers have been arguing for years that it would be harmful to allow transgender students, athletes, and just trans people in general to use the bathroom they associate with.

But Jenner says she’s been using the ladies’ room for nearly a decade without incident.

Although she told John Cleese of Britain’s GB News that she mostly “gets flack from the trans community,” she noted that it had been some time since she’d been in a men’s room:

“Yeah, I’ve never had a problem in general, you know there’s the whole bathroom thing and this and I’ve not been in a men’s room in eight years, okay? By the way, the women’s rooms are much nicer, okay? Yeah, they don’t have those urinals on the walls and smelly and all that. They got flowers in there. Usually nice music. The conversation is much better in the ladies room. I just want to tell you. You’re missing out.”

So why would Jenner get so much flack from the trans community? Likely precisely because she enjoys the benefits that other transgender people have only been able to dream about, yet remains a staunch member of the party that continues to deny those rights to them.

Much like most gays feel unfavorably toward the Log Cabin Republicans, so do trans people have a hard time accepting that someone within their own community would side with the political party that continues to oppress them.

And they haven’t stopped at bathrooms. They’ve banned forms of therapy, and outlawed certain medicines — now that Republicans have lost the battle against gays, they’ve simply turned their resources toward transgender people.

The saddest part is, someone being transgender neither breaks their leg nor picks their pocket. It literally doesn’t affect them in any way. The closest thing they had to an argument was that a boy may transition to a girl, use the girls’ restroom, and potentially harm someone.

Someone needs to let Caitlyn Jenner she’s making her political party look pretty stupid.