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‘I Just Kind of Think of Her as a Lowlife’, Colorado’s 4th District GOP Voters Do NOT Want Lauren Boebert to Win

Lauren Boebert, the infamous vaping groper of Colorado’s 3rd District, started to see the writing on the wall. She had messed up up (or ten) too many times.

She announced last year that instead of running again in the District she had been representing, she would switch to the 4th District. Many believe that she was under the mistaken impression that it would be like a kid moving to a new school — a fresh start where people didn’t know her.

Boy, was she wrong.

In a new Wall Street Journal report, Boebert’s planned outing at an Elbert County event didn’t quite go as planned. At the fully GOP affair, while some voters obviously still supported her — there’s no accounting for taste when it comes to Republican voters — others were more than skeptical.

“I don’t appreciate, as a Christian, people saying they’re Christian to get your vote and then turning out to be a lowlife, and now I just kind of think of her as a lowlife,” said Judy Scofield, a retired university worker.

In fact, said another, it was the actual moving of districts that shaded her in some voters’ eyes. “On Facebook, she’s not been well received by Republicans,” said Republican voter Tammi Flemming. “It’s the shenanigans and the drama and moving districts.”

Another voter, Chris Ware, cut right to the chase: “I will not vote for her. Period. She’s not one of us.”

Boebert’s decision to run in the 4th came after her extremely narrow victory in her reelection campaign in 2022, when it was so close that it nearly forced a recount.

And that was just because she was terrible at her job. Imagine how much more voters soured on her after the Beetlejuice incident, during which she made a fool of herself vaping, singing loudly, taking pictures, and groping her date in public. Initially she lied about all of it, but then when video evidence leaked out piece by piece, she was forced to concede one lie after the other.

In all, Boebert faces ten other candidates in the race. And during an informal straw poll at the beginning of the primary season, she was listed with seven other candidates, and she ranked fifth out of the eight total. None of the other candidates said they would support her if they ended up leaving the race.

Boebert has banked entirely too much on name recognition. It just doesn’t seem like she remembers what her name is attached to.