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Top Trump Ally Wants Public Executions of Trump’s Opponents Sponsored By Coca-Cola and Viewable by Kids

If you’ve been noticing your teenage son acting weird lately, maybe talking about hunting the homeless for sport or keeping women “in their place,” check his browser history for instances of Charlie Kirk.

I mean, don’t ignore the Joe Rogan stuff or obviously Alex Jones nonsense, but Charlie Kirk just looks so friendly. He doesn’t look angry like the other “red pill” guys on the internet or TV. Even Tucker Carlson has blown past the bowtie and moved into perma-scowl territory.

But make no mistake: This just makes Kirk more insidious.

Charlie is the brainchild of Turning Point USA, the “non-profit” that seeks to reverse liberal indoctrination on college campuses. You know, the guys who just hosted [1] right-wing murderer and NRA poster child Kyle Rittenhouse at Eastern Tennessee State University.

Without trying to dump TOO much on your plate immediately, the gist of this article is this: Charlie Kirk thinks that people who “frustrated” Trump’s efforts to do what he wanted in office should be executed, that those executions should have corporate sponsors, and that maybe we should make our kids watch.

On executions:

As far as other death penalties, I think what some of those guys did to Donald Trump, to use the instruments of government to destroy the constitutional order, that should be under consideration.

On corporate sponsors:

You could sell, you could fund the government. You could have like, ‘brought to you by Coca-Cola.’ And, no, I’m not kidding. By the way, I would totally tune in to see some pedo get their head chopped off.

On how watching people get killed for not sucking Trump’s a*s would make him feel good:

You know what, I want to watch that execution. That will make my day better. I want to see him on a public block and get him, be publicly executed, and I think that would be justice.

Kirk’s producer, Blake Neff, had a quick answer to Kirk’s rhetorical question, “At what age should you start to see pubic executions?”

Neff says 12. That’s when he thinks your kids should watch people get murdered for trying to defend America, all brought to them by their favorite soft drink or video game.

Kirk chimed in that the executions should be “taken in a holy way,” and that they could serve as a kind of “scared straight” example for children: “If you sent the message to them, ‘If you do a bad crime, you will die, and it will be like this and that will be you,’ it would be a positive message.”

Yikes, Charlie. Seek help.