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Don Jr. Has Social Media ‘Rumbling’ with Questions Over Bizarre Diatribe, ‘Rehab Counselor Here…’

We are forced to report on this too often, but – then again, if there is a political subject burning down “X,” then it’s likely something you ought to know.

But I refuse to write any of these stories without mentioning two things about Donald Trump Jr. First of all; the net seems to presume to know exactly what’s wrong with him, either drugs, alcohol, or some combination thereof, a diagnosis that could only be made by a physician with access to a lot more tests than a simple internet video.

Second, to the extent – of any – Don Jr. does have an addiction problem, then the story is starting to become the evil overtones that the Trump opponents are using on “Twitter” (Speaking of things that one can’t let go) because they can be particularly cruel. Addiction in any other context – one would hope – is a disease, an affliction, with which we should hold with utter contempt and wish the best on someone suffering from it.

It is unlikely that there is a person reading this whose family or friends haven’t been touched by addiction, and the “rah-rah” tone to a lot of tweets is not only repetitive but would be seen as horrific if there was a point when Don Jr. didn’t wake that morning. It should also be said that there are tweets by Trump opponents that simply wish that he would get help with whatever might be causing the bizarre behavior.

To be sure, whatever message Junior is trying to convey is almost indecipherable, and that’s a problem when he’s hosting his own podcast. See if you can figure out what he’s talking about:

And we’ll include tweets, but this time, look for the hatred with which some gleefully almost wallow in being “entertained” by the bizarre behavior on Rumble: