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Kyle Rittenhouse Wants the World to Know He Did NOT Run Away Like a Giant, Cowardly Sissy (Even Though He Did Just That)

If there was ever a person who turned his 15 minutes of ill-gotten fame into what seems like 15 years it is Kyle Rittenhouse and I will go way out of my way to avoid said person as did some students at the University of Memphis recently as the young 21-year old Kyle spoke.

There seems to be little question that Rittenhouse was heckled by a significant portion of the students – the only puzzle remaining is whether Rittenhouse ran from the meanies

As a matter of course, Rittenhouse was invited to the college by Turning Point USA’s [1] chapter. Some students, however, ignored the opportunities presented by what amounts to a wild Right-wing frat party (Sex is bipartisan) in order to boo Rittenhouse off the stage. No love loss there, under any definition.

We should note, as we often do, that Rittenhouse did not “murder” anyone. “Murder” is a legal term of art defined by a jury determination that one intentionally killed with malice aforethought. Rittenhouse committed homicide and was found innocent by claiming self-defense. No one should say that Rittenhouse murdered anyone.

But the distinction shouldn’t – and doesn’t – prevent people from questioning Rittenhouse’s motives and decision-making that led to the homicides. Kyle got a dose of that Wednesday night.

Many thought Kyle abruptly departed the stage after fellow students in the audience questioned him about comments made by political activist Charlie Kirk, the founder and president of TPUSA, a youth organization. Rittenhouse responded like the immature kid he remains.

“The event was scheduled for 30 minutes. I spoke for 30 minutes, and then my security team told the coordinator that we were leaving after the question, and we left. I stayed for the scheduled time. The headlines are wrong again – I wasn’t booed off stage at the University of Memphis last night. The far left’s attempts to intimidate me won’t stop me from speaking with college students and sharing my story.”

For the love of god, Kyle – if you are sick of the media “unfairly characterizing” your life, then stop going to right-wing media events that invite objective analysis by the full spectrum of media!

For someone not bothered by the event, he certainly posted a lot about it:

It is rather entertaining seeing Rittenhouse confuse cancel culture yet again when he stated, according to Newsweek [11]:

He also reposted a tweet from Kirk in which the TPUSA president said he’d be asking Tennessee lawmakers to investigate if the University of Memphis colluded with local protesters to “sabotage last night’s TPUSA event. It’s ridiculous to see a university censoring speech ‘yes what they did was censorship.'”

Yes, in a sense. But who is canceling who? If a significant portion protests your appearance on campus, Kyle, are they not exercising their right to free speech? Yes, it all depends on permits, etc., but the principle remains solid. There are two sides to the “cancel culture” debate, and it isn’t always easy to pick out the bigger cancelers.

It would seem obvious that, if Rittenhouse expects a quiet, respectful audience, so – too, should the protesters who are, on public property, allowed to express their beliefs, too.

And let’s be honest. Kyle Rittenhouse ran away like the little bitch he is but of course he’s now saying he didn’t. Anyway, here’s the video of him running away like a little bitch.

Kyle still retains his popularity primarily because he shot liberals. The police who shot Ashli Babbit were in a similar – if more dangerous position and did not enjoy the praise from the Right despite being law enforcement confronted by people disobeying lawful command.

One supposes that it all begins with one’s political starting point and there’s little doubt where Rittenhouse began his journey.

Jason Miciak is an editor at large for Occupy Democrats who freelances for friends at Political Flare.