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Sarah Huckabee Sanders Mocked for Humiliating Mistake That Validates Why Her State Ranks So Low in Education

Before we rip Sarah Huckabee apart for bragging that her state will be getting back to Reading, Writing, and Ritalin, or something like that, it must be said that education is a luxury that only a select few can afford. Can a poor child in Southern China afford to spend years in a classroom studying calculus? Possibly, but unlikely.

None of us should have our chest puffed out because we are well-educated unless we acknowledge that we’re lucky enough to live in a country where it is not only paid for but expected.

Having said that, it is particularly gross for a governor to brag that her state will commit to a new education plan (This was from her first speech as governor [1]):

In her first major policy news conference, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced her much anticipated Arkansas LEARNS education plan on Wednesday.

Calling it the most “far-reaching, bold and conservative education reforms anywhere in the entire country,” Sanders outlined significant changes to teacher pay, school choice and early education with an emphasis on literacy.

We will absolutely applaud the emphasis on literacy. Indeed, Canada has done a study that finds that literacy education [2] is one of the most effective means of fighting criminal recidivism. Our society walks around with very little appreciation for the number of illiterate among us and the difficulty in simply getting a job as such. Crime may almost fall to the few means to simply get by. (We are not excusing criminality, only acknowledging reality).

But the “conservative” emphasis is far more questionable. It is likely that Arkansas had a fairly conservative curriculum prior to the Huckabee reforms. It is also questionable given the fact that Arkansas ranks 49th in adults with college degrees – again, that is a luxury probably arising out of poverty – but a conservative curriculum may not be the way to go.  According to K-Ark.com: [3]

Related factors include Arkansas ranking low in its percent of the population with college experience or a college degree, at 48 out of 51. This was the same ranking, 48th, for its percent of bachelor’s degree holders.

After all, the top two states are Massachusetts and Maryland – hardly bastions of conservative education.

The takeaway is that conditions get better in Arkansas for the kids and adults. However, they want to do it. Results are results. We just question the methods.

This leads us to a rather embarrassing mistake made by someone who was displaying Sanders’ official portrait as governor. USA Today columnist Michael Stern tweeted [4] the photo which shows Sanders above the words “ARKANSAS GOVENOR.” Obviously it’s GOVERNOR, something someone with a 6th grade education should know how to spell.

As you’d imagine, and considering Sanders is just such a hypocrite, X/Twitter had some thoughts:


Jason MIciak is an Editor at Large with Occupy Democrats and is spending time with friends at Political Flare, he can be reached at [email protected] and @JasonMiciak on Musk’s mash.