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The Ugliest, Most Terrifying Photo Ever Taken of Trump Is Spreading Like Wildfire and Social Media Is Collectively Retching

I don’t know if Donald Trump has one makeup artist, or two or more, but whatever the case, they’re either drunk or doing a lousy job. At any rate, his appearance has once again turned into a talking point for critics while he celebrated a successful Super Tuesday sweep that led to former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley suspending her campaign after the former president won nearly every race in the 15 states they competed in.

Trump made a pretty good haul this time, and when the states and territories voted in the primaries, the former president wound up with 797 delegates, The Associated Press reports. Since a candidate needs 1,215 delegates to secure the nomination, his results simply affirmed what was already expected — Trump is pretty much confirmed to be the Republican nominee as November’s presidential elections loom, Newsweek [1] reports.

President Joe Biden himself enjoyed a successful Super Tuesday on the Democrats’ side, which makes it almost certain that he and Trump will face each other.

But just before the results, Trump’s bizarre makeup job received plenty of scrutiny on social media, which has been a common occurrence over the years. Trump has been accused of using fake tan, makeup, girdles, hair transplants, toe pads, and various other optical illusions to enhance his appearance.

This latest makeup mishap caught the attention of attorney Ron Filipkowski, who’s an ardent Trump critic and one of the co-founders of Meidas Touch Network. Posting a photo of a smiling Trump surrounded by supporters, his makeup job looks slapdash. His face is deeply colored, but lighter skin frames his hairline, ears, and the side of his neck.

“Looking great tonight,” Filipkowski quipped.

And the derisive comments from X users rolled in, with someone observing: “His spray tanner missed his right ear, per usual. Shocked he hasn’t fired her yet.”

Another X user observed: “When my parakeet started looking like that we rushed it to the vet for an intensive course of antibiotics and mange cream.”

“Looking great” is a relative thing when it relates to balding, decrepit, morbidly-obese, pale & pathetically vain Donald Trump, who’s meticulously crafted cotton-candy coif is in danger of melting if exposed to moisture” another person added.

And one X user couldn’t help getting in a good slap at his hair.

But even with all the criticism there were still a few poor fools for which Trump can do no wrong.

“Make all the fun you want to but you can’t stop what’s coming,” one Trump supporter retorted. “That orange man is going to win.”

“I’m not concerned how Trump’s complexion looks from his tan, & I’m also not worried about him dying,” said another. “That’s what insane liberals want! Biden is clearly in serious cognitive decline, whereas, the media has been editing clips & trying to make Trump look crazy, which is not true!”

But I think we all remember that laughable photo of Trump in February 2020, where he was obviously facing the wind, with his hair blowing backward and a clear line of pink skin around his hairline and neck that was not covered with that ridiculous fake tan. Newsweek reported that the photo was apparently taken as Trump was walking on the South Lawn of the White House on February 7, 2020. Trump’s had many lousy makeup jobs but that one may have been the worst.

And since the photo was well, unflattering, he called it “fake news.”

“This was photoshopped, obviously, but the wind was strong and the hair looks good? Anything to demean!” Trump fumed on X at the time.

How vain and supercilious is this man anyway? He’s the only president I know of to even wear makeup yet he looks like a rumpled sack of potatoes at the same time. If we’re dealing with a crisis do we really want a president who worries about what brand of hair spray he should use? Or do we want someone who will actually be useful?

Because Trump ain’t. Unless you’re looking for tips on the latest spray tan to use.