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If Trump Supporters Don’t Get Angry Over What Trump Just Said, They Are Truly Lost to the Cult

“I’ll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”

Matthew 19:24

Some of us will never have to worry about passing that particular test – what’s the point of being a writer anyway if you’re going to get rich? It’s the poverty that gives you cred. Are Stephen King or J.K. Rowling real writers? Don’t answer that. Besides, Jesus never said the inverse is true, either. So…

What does this have to do with anything? Because Donald Trump, the man with three wives, who was with – in the biblical sense – an adult film actress while his wife nursed his fifth baby, is now making a fortune selling Bibles. That is so incomprehensible that even if you say it three times, it still makes no sense.

Here he is bragging about it with partner Lee Greenwood, who has been doing this since 2021.

Now, this is interesting. Trump needs money. And it sure appears that Greenwood needs Trump. Like many other MAGAs, Trump could destroy Greenwood in one post: “Lee Greenwood is a liberal in sheep’s clothing. He favors DEI, LGBTQ causes, Joe Biden, Free Trade, Normal relations with China and NATO… And that is the last you’ll ever hear from Lee Greenwood. So they need each other.

So, in pursuit of much needed cash, Trump posted:

“Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless the USA Bible,” Trump wrote, directing his supporters to a website selling the book for $59.99.

We cannot know whether Trump “prays” or not. If so, it’s probably over six-foot putts. But for a guy who called “avoiding STDs in the 70s at Studio 54 his “personal Vietnam” and said that he preferred pilots that didn’t get shot down (as opposed to John McCain), it colors us doubtful.

This is about money.

And this is no regular Bible, indeed – according to true belief, it borders on blasphemy more than holiness:

Billing itself as “the only Bible endorsed by President Trump!” the new venture’s website calls it “Easy-to-read” with “large print” and a “slim design” that “invites you to explore God’s Word anywhere, any time.”

Besides a King James Version translation, it includes copies of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as a handwritten chorus of the famous Greenwood song.

I am not a biblical scholar, but I seem to remember something about Number One: “I am the Lord Your God, though shall have no Gods before ME.”

A Bible endorsed by “President” Trump (He is not the president) would seem to flirt with a violation of Commandment One.

Silly me. See? I thought all Bibles were endorsed by God, and you can get every single thing offered for free: a Bible, the Constitution… Maybe you could donate them to Trump to read?

Jason Miciak is Executive Editor of Political Flare and Editor at Large at Occupy Democrats, he can be reached at [email protected], @JasonMiciak, or in church reading a cheap Bible that says the same thing as Trump’s – just with more integrity.

I’ve never met one, but camels seem awfully big.