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Trump Cultists Are Actually PRAISING Him for Falling Asleep in Court Now, ‘Good for Him!’

The Republican media — let’s face it, most media is, or we’d hear MUCH more about his crimes — has now begun trumpeting his penchant for falling asleep in court.

No, really.

They actually have started trying to frame his geriatric behavior in court as a good thing, saying now that his inattention is all the most his criminal trial deserves.

Obviously, most of it comes from Fox News. Their head political anchor, Bret Baier, who can sometimes even seem reasonable, is clearly in love with the former president.

“You know, we cover it every day, and we will — all the details of each day in court — but there are some places that are obviously covering it ad nauseum and have gone through every single detail, including four times that he might have fallen asleep, everything that happens inside the courtroom.”

Do we not consider the fact that a guy who calls his political opponent “Sleepy Joe” literally falls asleep in court an important thing to report?

The right-wing media has been mocking President Biden as being old and addled for his entire presidency, but now they’re going to not just defend, but PRAISE Trump for the exact behavior they accuse Biden of?

And it’s not just Baier.

Sean Hannity said “I mentioned that Maggie Haberman posted this update from the courtroom, ‘It appears that Trump might be sleeping’ — this was on day one. By the way, I think I’d fall asleep if I was there”

No, I don’t think you would, Sean. I think you would sit up straight, answer questions properly, and behave like a normal human might if they were facing a criminal trial.

But that’s not Trump. He is not normal.

“I’d be falling asleep at that trial too,” said Laura Ingraham on April 15th.

“That’s exactly how all of us would act in, like, the ‘Intro to Gender Studies’ class at the University of Missouri,” said Young Republican Charlie Kirk on the same day.

Some media personalities were more generous with the way they forgave the former PRESIDENT for falling asleep in court. Newsmax host Greg Kelly simply offered that Trump fell asleep because he was bored: “Did Donald Trump nod off for a moment? Good for him. These things are boring”

Greg Gutfeld went further than most, saying “Trump should go to trial, bring a big book, big fat John Grisham novel, just sit there and read. That’s the only response this manufactured mayhem deserves — is just contempt.”

Jesse Watters likewise suggested that Trump should crack a book in the courtroom — not that he’s cracked a book since the copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand.

Tammy Lawrence Tomi Lahren suggested that “the media” was trying to distract from Joe Biden’s failings, saying “I don’t think anybody’s buying it. Good job media, but I don’t think that it’s resonating when you’ve got the current guy, President Joe Biden, in the office, who quite literally falls asleep.”

And then Trump fell asleep in court again the next day.