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Trump Looks So Nauseous and Pale Walking into Court, Like He’s Going to Pass Out — His Orange Makeup Can’t Cover His Fear

I normally don’t like to admit that I get enjoyment from other people’s misfortunes, but dammit if I’m not LOVING watching Donald Trump so terrified and scared in court. I imagine this is what taking drugs for the first time feels like…pure euphoria.

As Trump walked into court to face the first day of his criminal trial today, he played the martyr or course, the consummate victim, saying to reporters he was “very proud to be here” to fight for MAGA. Because if it can happen to him…it can happen to you! But only if you pay off women you had affairs with (while married with an infant son) so it wouldn’t become public and hurt your chances of winning the presidency.

But Trump’s words did not match his terrified expression. He looked pale, haggard, and as if he were about to lose his morning McMuffin (or two, and at least a hash brown or two).

“This is political persecution, this is a persecution like never before,” cried the fraudster and adjudicated rapist, who is facing 34 felony counts for allegedly falsifying business records. “Nobody’s ever seen anything like it.”

And Trump is actually correct here, nobody’s ever seen anything like the former twice-impeached, quadruply-indicted, election-denying, self-admitted pussy-grabbing U.S. president before. Just as they’ve never seen the said conman looking so sick to his stomach and frankly, scared. So naturally, Trump, this is a first.

Just look at this sad, sick man walking into court. And then enjoy the reactions as people are so joyous that Trump is finally facing justice: