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Trump Supporter Says it’s Fine Trump Cheated on His Wives, ‘Even Jesus Dated a Hooker!’

It is always a bit dangerous ascribing one view of one man to a movement and so we aren’t going to do that. This isn’t about “the MAGAs” – it is about one guy who is so enthralled with Trump as God’s chosen one that he goes well beyond the boundaries of what Christianity would tolerate.

We know that some Trump supporters see him as “chosen” by God to lead the country. But this goes a little beyond – well, WAY beyond, the average Trump-MAGA-man.

The website Boing Boing [1] sets up the context by noting that gifted performance artist Davram Stiefler and a member of the Good Liars comedic group spoke to a Trump supporter, identifying the supporter because the MAGA man wore a t-shirt that displayed Trump as the Terminator from the famous Schwarzenegger movie, which depicted the iconic phrase, “I’ll be back.”

Still, this is… well, you be the judge. The transcript, analysis and video is below.

MAGA man: If you look at the history of Jesus, it was hundreds of years later before he was recognized, and that’s probably the same thing that’s going to happen to Donald Trump.

It is nearly impossible to tell what the point may be if there is any. The Gospels were all written within two to three generations after the end of Jesus’s time on Earth. In comparison, Gibbon’s tome, the agreed-classic text regarding the rise and fall of Rome, was written 1,300 years after the fall. The Gospels were written very very early after Jesus left Earth.

Then Stiefler eggs the man on:

Stiefler: When you see him, the presence that he has in the room, the way he kind of commands the crowd and the way that he’s…

MAGA man: I think that he’s been picked by God, yes.

Well, a citizen is entitled to believe any leader has been picked by God (Ask Royal families), but there is little evidence to which he can point and it’s kind of “out there.”

Stiefler then eggs the man on further by disparaging Trump.

Stiefler: He wears lifts on his shoes, he wears a lot of make up. He wears a girdle to hold in his belly. Is that something God would do?

And then the MAGA proponent goes off the deep and – to Christians – dangerous end:

MAGA man: First off, if you knew anything about the apostles, they were pretty much all trash. They all had their bad qualities, and even Jesus was dating a hooker.

There is nothing in the Gospels to indicate that Jesus dated anyone. As for the pejorative “hooker,” it is true that Jesus generally stood up for the poor, society’s outcasts, the lepers, and foreigners. All marginalized groups and something to which one should aspire in any religion.

Clearly, the man seems to be whitewashing Trump’s one night with Stormy Daniels (It’s hard to believe he’s referencing Melania), but given the fact that no one really cares anymore about that one-night stand – except the alleged fraudulent payments, it’s just an odd thing to bring up.

If he wants to say that Trump has his faults, fine – no one, not even the average Trump supporter, will argue that. But to denigrate Jesus to lift Trump? That’s drifting into weird and what could be considered dangerous territory.

And, keep in mind, this is just one guy. But, wow.


[email protected] and on “X” @JasonMiciak