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Watch Kyle Rittenhouse Try to Act All Tough at Kent State University When Protestors Scream ‘MURDERER!’ at Him

This article is based on a Boing Boing article piece partly entitled “Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse… ” But that is wrong, and this site simply refuses to go down that road. You cannot “murder” someone without a jury finding that you did. You can commit homicide and be a moron at the same time. This type of clarity doesn’t take a jury, so let’s leave the “murderer” thing out and call Kyle a dangerous, homicidal moron.

He is dangerous because he’s so impressed with himself, and yet he’s only famous for one thing. Will he need to refresh his resume at some point? We can’t know. We can worry.


Rittenhouse must have developed some thick skin in the face of criticism, or – he just doesn’t care about people who remind him that he killed two people. I suspect it is more the latter than thick skin since he ducked out of an event at a college recently i [1]n which protestors simply asked him about Charlie Kirk’s racism.

He himself shared this video surely because he believes it makes him appear to be a 2nd Amendment hero. But really, the video doesn’t show a hero, it shows a self-impressed, dangerously dumb, uncaring kid.

Rittenhouse had just given a speech at Kent State University in Ohio, which Cleveland News Channel 5 [4] covered with elegant clarity:

After students circulated petitions with more than 5,000 signatures attempting to ban Kyle Rittenhouse from the campus, Rittenhouse delivered remarks Tuesday night

… Rittenhouse delivered his speech, News 5 saw both supporters and protesters like Khori Davis in attendance, who told News 5 she came to diminish his attention. “I think that what he has to say it really invalidates people’s experience. It invalidates the fact that he hurt people,” said Davis.

That is exactly what this homicidal moron does. He thrives on the 2nd Amendment outrage economy – and survives quite well. This is a guy who barely graduated from high school. What could he possibly have to say that people need to hear? “I shot and killed two liberal protesters because yay, 2nd Amendment!” ??

When contemplating what’s wrong with this country, it might be a good idea to consider the fact that it’s highly likely that homicidal moron 21-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse almost surely has more money than you and people want to hear him speak when you, yourself, likely have a far more fascinating life story and a tonnage of wisdom to go with it.

He does not. Yet there they are.


Jason Miciak is Executive Editor of Political Flare and an Editor at Large at Occupy Democrats. He can be reached at [email protected]