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Watch Trump Demand an Investor in Truth Social to Say ‘Thank You’ to Him…Even While the Stock Crashes

Trump did something really out of character when he started Truth Social. He went public with shares – yes, he retained a big share of them himself (And that’s why he’s fallen off the Fortune 500 list [1]), but Trump had always been a one-man band, total control, even progeny as Vice-Presidents, kind of laughable.

After getting kicked off Twitter, Trump needed an outlet. He is nothing without his posts – I mean that almost literally. He could’ve gone to another platform, but he figured his 80-ish million followers would follow him, and why give that money to someone else? But social media is expensive, especially for a cash-poor real estate guy.

He had to go public to raise the cash.

But he did it like old Trump and took what could’ve been a success and turned it into a failure. Instead of hiring someone who had actually, you know – worked in social media, some V.P. of Facebook, or YouTube, or even Roblox, he went with his loyal guy, Devin Nunes – dairy farmer.


Oh, and there were SEC problems and insider trading; none of it touched Trump, but there were big problems.

Then they launched. It didn’t look all that bad at first. Well, yes—it did. Trump was involved, and he specializes in losing money. Ask what used to be Atlantic City or Trump University.

So when the stock dove from a high of $79 per share to $33, investors weren’t really happy. That’s an expensive loss. It is like going to Subway (speaking of expensive) and having $79. You order six of the 12-inch “specials” for your party, leaving you with $33.00 – except you forgot to bring the sandwiches, and when you return, they’re gone. You just lost almost half your “investment” in Subway.

It’s just that much worse when you buy 10,000 shares of something, but I can only relate to Subway. But none of that bothered Trump the other night at Mar-a-Lago, where… he took credit for building Twitter [2]:

“There’s a man up here named Chris, Rumble, who’s a very brilliant guy, he actually said you built Twitter, single handedly built. Am I correct in saying that? Did you say that? Yeah. He said if you weren’t around there wouldn’t have been a Twitter, and I thinks it’s true. I had millions and millions of followers, and then I decided on top of that to run for president.”

Hold on, hold on. Has this man never heard of Taylor Swift? She has 94.5 million follows, which is more than 87.3 million [3], even in Florida. Of course, counting has never been one of Trump’s strong points.

But then Trump swiveled to ask one of his biggest investors – the guy who forgot his sandwiches – to thank him!

“Oh, look at my man. I hear you are a big investor. Say thank you. He got in at the right price I think. That’s, he always does. Adam, right? But thank you very much. …We’re doing great.”

Trump told the investor to say thank you to him which you can then see the man do in the video. Trump has his followers who invested in his Truth Social platform which has lost almost half of its stock value thanking him a bizarre humiliation ritual.

It is kind of amazing that the guy didn’t scream, “You took my Philly steak and cheese! And, and, and – this is getting serious, the fcking meatball!!! But thank you, thank you. You wear them well.”

Currently we are unable to embed the video so until we can, you can watch the video HERE [2].


Jason Miciak is the Features Editor for Political Flare and an Editor at Large for Occupy Democrats. He can be reached at [email protected] or @JasonMiciak, he will not be found in Subway.