MeidasTouch doesn’t cut Donald Trump any slack, and why should they? He is a real danger to the country and in their hilarious but scary video, the popular site gives us more food for thought. The video is styled like one of those mid-20th-century medical PSAs that alerted us to the signs exhibited by certain diseases.
But this time Trump is the disease and MeidasTouch [1] explores the warning signs exhibited by Demented Don that show he’s rapidly slipping away in terms of cognition. Showcasing all of Trump’s latest off-the-wall gaffes, the narration warns the audience to be on the lookout for all the signs the former president is exhibiting.
“Have you been noticing peculiar behavior recently in someone you know? Someone who mixes fiction and reality? Perhaps someone of advanced age you have known for years,” the narrator says. “Of course, we all have our goofs, but consistently odd behavior can be a sign of Frontotemporal Dementia.”
The narrator then ticks off a checklist of symptoms to look for in someone suffering from this form of advanced cognitive decline and warns us that these symptoms are degenerative. People experiencing this type of dementia never, ever recover.
Then the video covers a series of recent worrisome gaffes Trump has committed, including slurring his words and struggling to find the correct word, and refers to the time when Trump said he wished the Mueller Report “covered the oranges of the investigation.” He obviously meant “origins” but kept repeating “oranges.”
MeidasTouch also notes Trump’s frequent struggle to complete simple sentences, which is another sign, and it references his claim in a speech that “Saudi Arabia and Russia will reepeedoo, ahhhhh.”
How many times have we seen Trump do things like this? Whenever he gives a speech he often [2] sweats heavily, slurs his words, appearing exhausted or perhaps over-medicated. It’s hard to tell which.
MeidasTouch also touches on the physical symptoms Trump is exhibiting, including times when he has obvious trouble with his balance “accompanied by a signature lean or arched stance.”
“If someone you know is experiencing several or all these symptoms, they are seriously unwell,” the narrator tells us. “As a matter of safety, they must be relieved of critical responsibilities and disqualified from any position of authority.”
While the video is funny it also presents what could be a terrifying reality if Trump is elected. Meanwhile, he and his media allies continually attack President Joe Biden over his cognitive abilities. Even though Trump is obviously suffering signs of serious mental health issues. They obviously look right past this and some, like Dr. Ronny Jackson (or “Johnson”) if you’re Donald Trump, are trying to suggest that if Biden is successful in Thursday’s debate, it may be due to performance-enhancing drugs.
Jackson has been speculating [3] on what medications Biden may be on and demanding that he take a drug test before the debate. This is absurd when you consider that Jackson was running quite the White House pill mill according to a 2018 investigation.
On his worst day, Biden is sharper than Trump. That’s obvious. It’s ridiculous to me that people are trying to portray Biden as inept when Trump continues to speak fluent word salad and shows real signs of physical problems.
We can’t let these people succeed. Here’s the clip below, and we should keep sharing it.
Don’t ignore the signs. Trump is not okay. And he’s only getting worse.#DementedDon [4] [5]
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) June 26, 2024 [6]