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Americans Disgusted After Jealous and Weird Trump Implies That Kamala Harris Is Mentally Ill

There’s a never-ending supply of people calling each other names during a presidential campaign. Not just voters, but the candidates themselves. And after the Democrats landed a solid blow with their new tack of (rightly) calling Donald Trump and JD Vance “weird,” Trump tried to turn it around on Kamala Harris.

Harris, of course, is the presumptive Democratic nominee.

But while “weird” is both a softer insult and more easily proven, Trump went full speed ahead with a different epithet for Kamala: Crazy. Like, mentally ill. The crazy, unhinged chick. It’s disgusting and so like Trump to describe her that way.

Did you ever know one of those guys who called every ex-girlfriend crazy after they broke up? That’s how Donald Trump sounds all the time. He’s called Nancy Pelosi crazy a hundred times, but also Mika Brzezinski, Megyn Kelly, Katy Tur, Maureen Dowd, and now Kamala Harris.

He has, of course, said it about everyone who’s ever accused him of anything.

Trump seems to reuse his insults “like a dog” (whatever that means).

But his reasoning behind calling Kamala crazy has nothing to do with accusations, or even with politics. He says it’s obvious she’s crazy because of the way she laughs. Again, that’s a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black. His laugh is more of a forced bark.

But when he sat down with Laura Ingraham for an interview that came out yesterday, the host asked him if Harris was more of an “extremist” than people might think. His answer was, as usual, meandering and meaningless:

“More than Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders is a major lunatic, OK? She’s worse than Bernie Sanders. Now, she’s trying to come back. She got rid of the laugh, I noticed. I haven’t seen the crazy laugh. She’s crazy. That laugh? That’s the laugh of a crazy person. But I noticed she’s not using that laugh anymore. Somebody convinced her, ‘Don’t, just don’t laugh. Don’t laugh under any circumstances.'”

And if Laura Ingraham ever turns on Trump, guess what — it’ll turn out she was crazy all along, too.

Watch the clip from Twitter/X:

People on social media had a field day: