
Head of Oklahoma Schools Makes Glaring Grammatical Error in Tweet Heralding the Return of the Bible to Classrooms

It's ironic, but also terrifying.

Let me start this one by saying, Ryan Walters got elected to be Oklahoma’s Superintendent of Public Schools. That means people picked him over everyone else, and THAT means that those schools are in deeper trouble than just their state ranking for education suggests.

They’re 49th out of 50 in the US. I don’t want to say Oklahomans are dumb, but, um, they picked Ryan Walters.

Walters himself, however, is so dumb that he publicly tweeted a post last week with the name of his own state misspelled. It’s super hard to top that for irony. In fact, I think the only thing more ironic than that this week when it comes to education is Trump’s pick of serial groper Lauren Boebert to head the Department of Education, when it took her three tries to pass the GED.

Anyway, the tweet itself is indicative of something far more seriously wrong with Walters than a simple lack of understanding of how possessive apostrophes work. He’s attached a video to the post announcing how happy he is that Oklahoma schools will actually be teaching Biblical curriculum in their government classes.

Wait, that can’t be right. Why would they teach it in civics? I mean, why would they teach it in anything other than comparative religions, but especially why government? Okay, here we go. After watching the video again, it turns out they’re teaching the Bible in their AP GOVERNMENT classes. The ones you take if you’re really, really interested. Advanced Placement.

I can’t decide which is worse, honestly. The tweet has literally every hallmark of stupidity available to it. They teach the possessive form in like 5th grade. The Founding Fathers themselves made sure not to include the Bible in any of our founding documents. Every single thing about the tweet is wrong.

Responses were a mixture of disgust at both angles.

I guess we should be thankful we still have the right to call this guy a dumbass.

meet the author

Andrew is a dark blue speck in deep red Central Washington, writing with the conviction of 18 years at the keyboard and too much politics to even stand. When not furiously stabbing the keys on breaking news stories, he writes poetry, prose, essays, haiku, lectures, stories for grief therapy, wedding ceremonies, detailed instructions on making doughnuts from canned biscuit dough (more sugar than cinnamon — duh), and equations to determine the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. A girlfriend, a dog, two cats, and two birds round out the equation, and in his spare time, Drewbear likes to imagine what it must be like to have spare time.


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