Politics - News Analysis

Future Ambassador to Greece Kim Guilfoyle Forced to Flatter Greek Billionaire After She Insulted His Country

Open mouth, insert entire leg up to the hip.

In an effort to clear a path for his son to openly date someone younger and more attractive than his current fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump went ahead and just appointed her as the US Ambassador to Greece. That’s one way to get rid of someone.

Most people that Trump has promised jobs won’t have to leave the country, but US ambassadors abroad live in the countries they’re assigned to, which means it’s time for Kim to pack her bags.

Unfortunately for the never-gonna-be Trump, Kim’s made some pretty unfortunate remarks about the country in the past. In a 2015 episode of Fox’s The Five, back when Kim was still on the channel herself (pre-Don Jr.), she was on a panel with Eric Bolling, Greg Gutfeld, and Juan Williams discussing the fact that Greece had just rejected a debt bailout package from the E.U.:

BOLLING: Even worse than if that happens would be if all the other countries who are having trouble – a little bit of trouble, Spain, Ireland…


BOLLING: …Portugal, and they say, “Wow, you Germans, you bailed out Greece. We owe you a lot of money, too. We’re going to walk on our debt too.” That would be even worse.


BOLLING: Get your house in order. Maybe you can come back into the Eurozone.

GUILFOYLE: Because it’s also about example. So you can’t — I mean, nobody likes freeloaders. It doesn’t matter if you make great yogurt. I don’t care.

Suck it up. Get up in the morning. Go to work. You guys are retiring too early. I know you have great weather, but it doesn’t matter. And that’s part of the problem. You have, like, politicians making out-of-control promises, buying votes with entitlements that they can’t support.

GUTFELD: They didn’t pay taxes, when it’s…

GUILFOYLE: It’s a joke. But guess what? Nobody is punishing them. Like when the dog pees on the rug, the puppy, like… train it.

There are so many strikes against a would-be Greek ambassador here, I don’t know where to begin. Okay, actually, I do. GREEK YOGURT ISN’T GREEK, KIM. It’s from the Middle East. There, I said it.

Seriously, though, it’s gonna be hard to come back from “freeloading dogs who need to be punished for peeing on the rug.”

Kim’s big idea, to kind of, you know, suck up to the Greeks after that conversation resurfaced, was damage control on her YouTube channel. She scheduled an interview with Greek billionaire magnate John Catsimatidis to do a little backside smooching.

Catsimatidis is the president, CEO, and chairman of chairman of NYC’s Gristedes and D’Agostino supermarket chains. It’s not like she was actually interviewing someone in Greece or anything. But the bigwig is considered somewhat of a hero in Greece, with some even calling for him to run for president there.

She went in hard with the flattery right from the start:

“I just want to say, one of the reasons why I was so thrilled and really wanted to serve as an ambassador to Greece is because of my great love and admiration for you, for your family, for the incredible country of Greece,” she said. “You are beloved there, you are such an iconic Greek-American businessman and really an entrepreneur, and someone living the American dream, and you’re such an inspiration to so many and a very close friend to the president.”

So THAT’s how she got him on the show. Got it.

She asked the mogul what he thought of Trump’s appearance at the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange, to which he responded “I think the way he spoke today is the way America would like to hear it. He talked about cutting taxes. He talked about working on bringing down the price of oil.”

Catsimatidis continued his part of the ass-kissing charade, filling the airtime with pleasantries about Trump, who he’s clearly trying to curry favor with as a businessman here in America. He even trash-talked Kamala a little bit, as Republicans love to do, despite winning the election.

Likewise, Kim never unpuckered, fawning over how “hard-working” his family was, before finally launching into her big, groveling finale:

Fun fact, every year on my birthday, I always want to have Greek food. I love, like, lamb. I love the Greek honey, the yogurt, and everything all combined.

Again, Kim: The yogurt isn’t Greek. Neither the country of Greece nor any Greek person has ever registered any trademark on the style of yogurt that’s called that. French fries are from Belgium and spaghetti is from China and shut the hell up, you sycophant. The last thing America needs is someone clueless trying to win over Greeks with airheaded comments like what restaurant she like, really loves.

Oh, that’s Kokkari in San Francisco, by the way. She used to go there when she was married to Gavin Newsom. “Is that the one owned by our friend Marcus?” asked Catsimatidis.

These two are buffoons.

meet the author

Andrew is a dark blue speck in deep red Central Washington, writing with the conviction of 18 years at the keyboard and too much politics to even stand. When not furiously stabbing the keys on breaking news stories, he writes poetry, prose, essays, haiku, lectures, stories for grief therapy, wedding ceremonies, detailed instructions on making doughnuts from canned biscuit dough (more sugar than cinnamon — duh), and equations to determine the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. A girlfriend, a dog, two cats, and two birds round out the equation, and in his spare time, Drewbear likes to imagine what it must be like to have spare time.


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