Politics - News Analysis

Sweaty Trump Calls Obamacare ‘O-Bum-acare’ and Gets Irritated When His Audience Doesn’t Get His ‘Joke’

Donald Trump tried to pivot away from weeks of coverage of his impeachment Thursday afternoon by scaring senior citizens about what Democrats might do to their Medicare.

“Almost every major Democrat in Washington has backed a major government takeover that would totally obliterate Medicare,” Trump claimed during a speech to senior citizens in Florida. “They want to raid Medicare to fund a thing called socialism.”

The event was held at The Villages, a massive retirement community that’s a trove of aging Republicans in Florida, one of the key 2020 swing states.

The audience was one of the reddest, and bluest-haired, he could find. And while it was ostensibly an official event about policy, Trump quickly turned it into a campaign rally with a lengthy harangue about his 2020 foes as the crowd chanted “four more years.”

“Today, standing in solidarity with our nation’s seniors I declare that America will never be a socialist country,” Trump bellowed during an hour-plus speech, just hours after he implored communist China to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son as he departed the White House.

Trump then tried a dumb joke…he said “O-bum-acare” instead of Obamacare. Yes, Trump has the humor of a 5-year-old.


Twitter was disgusted:


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